❝ nine ❞

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"so go back to your goblin home, shut the fuck up, and don't tell me what to do."

as camille walks towards the stage, those words replay in her mind. she's really proud of her quick insult about calling the dream smp a "goblin home".

she hops up the stage, and walks to the podium. looking down on her fellow l'manbergians, she sighs. "hello, everyone. it's great to see everyone looking well!" lie.

the battle was three days ago, and camille was making her speech only now because of the funeral and the grieving.

fundy's eyes were sunken, and he looked as if he hadn't slept at all. he seemed to be staring into space, unmoving.

nihachu's eyes were red. whilst fundy wasn't sleeping, nihachu was almost constantly crying. luckily, camille managed to get her to eat and go outside.

tubbo and tommy had been weirdly silent. they weren't crying, or not sleeping, they were just... silent. l'manberg was quiet without their silly antics.

ranboo, quackity and karl were holding up the best. they were sad, of course, but they were always there for the others. they helped them eat, sleep, and consoled them when they were going through a really rough period.

"i know these last few days have been rough, for l'manberg. it hasn't been easy on any of us, but it's visibly been harder on specific people. i wanted to wait longer before i did this, because i wanted to honour wilbur. but i didn't want to leave l'manberg without a leader any longer. before the battle, wilbur talked with me in private."

"he said if anything happened to him, he'd want me to be leader." camille paused as she let the audience whisper amongst themselves. "i know, it's not easy hearing about his replacement so soon. i'm gonna be honest. at first, i had no confidence that i'd be able to lead as well as he did- no, even half as well as he did. but the night of the battle, i caught sapnap in our land."

"he talked to me, and tried to get me to call a truce with the dream smp as my first act of president. now this statement made me have full confidence in myself. i told myself there was no way i was gonna let someone from the dream smp tell me how to lead l'manberg. it'll take some getting used to, but from now on i'll be your president."

"before someone points it out, i know. i used to be from the dream smp, and i seem to be interacting a lot with people from there. but wilbur chose me partially because of this. i have ties with the dream smp. i know some of their weaknesses. we can use this knowledge to our advantage."

camille stops, aware of how long she's been rambling on. she hesitates, wondering if she should continue. she didn't really have anything else to say, but everyone was looking at expectantly.

out of nowhere, tubbo stands up, and starts clapping. his smile grows bigger as ranboo, karl and quackity join in. camille's heart warms as tommy stands up as well. nihachu and fundy don't stand, but they clap weakly.

nihachu meets her eyes, and camille's heart bursts with joy when she sees nihachu smile. she's doing this. she's going to lead l'manberg.


"i think we should let punz out of prison." eret states.

dream hisses at him. "who died you and made you king?"

purpled looks confused. "um, weren't they always the kin-"

"shut up!" dream yells, standing up and slamming the table. george jumps.

sighing, dream settles back down. "sorry. i've been on edge since the fight. we lost. again."

alyssa walks over to dream's side, and gingerly rests a hand on his shoulder. "i know it hasn't been easy, dream. but they lost wilbur. they lost their leader."

cracking his knuckles, dream addresses everyone in the room. "alright, listen. first, we're going to free punz. then, we're going to lay low. i don't want anyone going into l'manberg. we need to heal up, regain our strength and our pride. losing two fights in a row isn't exactly a brag."

"so you just want us to stay out of trouble?" sapnap pipes up.

dream nods. "exactly. eret, you and sapnap are probably in the best condition right now. get punz, and bring him straight back."

eret nods. "sure." eret and sapnap leave the room, and dream sits down.

"you're all free to leave." slowly, the members trickle out of the room.

dream stays there, until eret and sapnap return. dream looks up from resting his head on the table. "what?"

"umm..." sapnap moves out of the way, and camille comes through the doorway.

"hi, dream."

dream scoffs, then turns to eret. "what happened to bringing punz straight back?"

"camille was at the prison, and she demanded we take her to see you."

massaging his forehead, dream motions for her to sit. "okay, fine. eret, sapnap, you two can leave." they shut the door behind them.

it's just dream and camille.

dream speaks first. "what do you want?"

camille looks at her nails, shrugging. "why get right into it? how are you, dream? the war must've been pretty tough. were you stabbed in the back by someone who claimed to love you? oh, wait. i was thinking of myself."

dream laughs, adjusting his mask. "is that why you came? trying to get some guilt from me?"

camille looks him dead in the eyes. "do you still love me?"

dream's mouth dries up. "no. i don't."

dream swears he saw a flicker of sadness cross her gaze.

"might as well get to the point, then. i want a truce with the dream smp."


a/n: they're being such bitches can't they just get together 🙄

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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