❝ twelve ❞

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camille raises an eyebrow. "badboyhalo?"

"or, bbh for short."

"okay... get in touch with him then."

"yeah, sure." dream looks around, eyes landing on alyssa. "hey, alyssa! i need you to go to bbh's for me."

alyssa's eyes sparkle. "yay! i've missed him so much."

"lemme just write a note, then you can take a horse and go."

"take your time." alyssa smiles.

dream walks away, and camille heads straight to the prison.

sure, she and tommy didn't see eye-to-eye. but she'd grown to love the guy, and worried about him. once she got to the prison, she found george standing there, biting his lip.

"oh, hey camille. sorry, i don't think you should go in there."

"it's okay, george. i need to check on tommy, alright?"

george sighs. "alright. just don't get in ponk's way, he yelled at sapnap earlier." george snickers at the last sentence, but then clears his throat.

"thanks." camille enters the dark prison, letting her eyes adjust.

"ponk? is everything okay with tommy?" she gets to tommy's cell. he's on the ground, eyes shut. he's breathing heavily while ponk... ponk's in the corner at the end of the hallway. he's slumped over, and looks alseep.

"ponk?" camille asks cautiously.

ponk's head snaps up and his eyes open wide. they're bright red, and his arms are covered in the vines.

"fuck." camille says lowly.

"camille. how're you?" ponk asks calmly, standing up.

camille slowly steps back. "ponk, you touched the vines, didn't you?"

ponk laughs harshly, advancing closer. "it was the best thing that ever happened to me, camille. trust me."

"shit shit shit. GEORGE!" camille screams as ponk runs towards her.

she pulls out a bow, but doesn't want to shoot ponk as they're normal arrows that would properly hurt him. she feels a presence behind her, and realises george's standing next to her, bow at the ready.

he aims, and shoots ponk in the arm. camille lowers her bow, her heart pounding.

"thank you, george."

"of course." he gets closer to ponk, frustratedly running his hands through his hair. "shit, i should've check on ponk sooner. do you think he caught he infection from tommy?"

"i'm not sure. i thought the only way was to actually come in contact with the vines, but tommy was the first one, so i guess we can't really know."

george nods. "right. we need to get ponk into a cell." he leaves, then comes back a moment later with the stretcher that was used for tommy.

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