❝ ten ❞

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"i want a truce with the dream smp."

dream scoffs. "a truce?"

"aw, sorry. is that word too advanced for you to know what it means?" camille tsks.

dream leans forward in his chair. "why on earth would you want a truce? because you're weak without wilbur?"

"not at all. i'm tired of all the wars. plus, i know wilbur would want this truce. he didn't like the wars either. no one did. let's be honest with each other dream. did anyone benefit from either war?"

"l'manberg won independence in the first one."

"we won independence, sure. but we didn't win freedom. i realised no matter what, you'd be watching l'manberg. no matter what, sooner or later you were going to try take over l'manberg."

"shouldn't tubbo be here? or nihachu, or even fundy? who's your new leader?"

camille smirks, leaning back in her chair. she slings an arm around the back. "i am, dream."

"you're leader? you were chosen?"

"yep. by the one and only wilbur soot. he trusts me, dream."

"fine. you want a truce, you've got one."

"really? that easily?"

"yeah. the dream smp could do without wars, too."

"cool. now that this has been settled-" camille stands up to leave, but dream grabs her hand.

"wait, before you go."

camille rolls her eyes and sits down. dream clears his throat. "how're you?"

that was the last thing camille would've expected dream to say. hell, he could've said something like 'by the way, i'm your brother' and camille would've been less surprised than she was now. it would be gross, but less surprising.

"umm... i'm fine, i guess. you?"

"i'm fine, too."


"well, you did just lose someone fairly close to you."

"but why're you being so nice?"

dream takes off his mask, and massages his nose bridge. "we have a truce. i might as well be nice."

even though camille had already seen dream without his mask, he still managed to shock her. camille clears her throat. "right."

"how's everyone else?"

"they're handling it. actually, while we're on this topic... do you happen to know who killed wilbur?"

dream thinks for a moment. "no. why? what in the world would you do if you knew?"

"well... i'd tell my fellow l'manbergians. after all, they deserve to know."

"but they'd want revenge."


dream narrows his eyes. "so what. if you knew, you'd let one of the l'manbergians take that person's canon life?"

camille sighs, realising how terrible that sounded. "no. actually, i wouldn't. it's wrong. i wouldn't let them kill them, maybe just punish them in their own way."

dream nods slowly. "sure."

the air grows tense and awkward, so camille decides to make her leave. "i'm gonna go." but suddenly, an idea pops into her mind. "hey, why don't we have a festival at l'manberg?"

dream stands up, eyebrow quirked. "a festival?"

"yeah! to celebrate our truce."

"hm, alright. sounds like it could be fun."

"cool! i'll send someone over with some details once i've gotten them sorted."

"sure. can't wait." dream didn't sound enthusiastic at all.

camille grins, ignoring it. "see you!"

she turns on her heel, walking out of the room. sapnap smiles slightly at her, then turns away. he's leading punz somewhere.

once camille returns to l'manberg, she sees ranboo. "hey, ranboo! could you do me a favour?"

the tall blonde shrugs. "of course. what's up?"

"we've got a truce with the dream smp. and to celebrate it, we're hosting a festival! i could do with your help to plan it-"

"and you didn't think to ask me?"

camille whips around, surprised to see nihachu standing there. camille's heart lifts when she sees nihachu's state. her bright smile's returned, and she's wearing a cute white sweater with casual jeans. her hair looks soft and fluffy, and is flowing down her neck.

"nihachu! are you okay?"

nihachu snorts. "this is exactly why i did this. i'm tired of everyone asking if i'm okay. i appreciate it, i really do. but... wilbur would want me to help you as much as i could, camille. i know it."

camille's eyes water as nihachu opens her arms for a hug. camille hugs her, nuzzling her neck. "thank you, nihachu. i love you so much!"

"i love you too, sweetie. now, don't we have a festival to plan?"

ranboo clears his throat. "uh... c-can i still help?"

nihachu and camille laugh. "100%, ranboo! c'mon, guys. to the dinner room!"


a/n: and that's chapter ten! sorry this was such a filler chapter omg- festival next chapter pog?!

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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