❝ one ❞

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it was a day like any other...

camille is at the xp farm, grinding to get her netherite sword back to max durability. it was her first bit of netherite, given by tubbo. she was truly excited, as she'd always dreamed of killing tommy with a netherite sword. sure, tommy was bad at pvp. but even he, full netherite, wouldn't die to a diamond sword. ever since she and tubbo had gotten extremely close, tommy got incredibly jealous, and claimed camille was stealing tubbo from him.

he wasn't wrong, but still. he'd killed camille multiple times, non-canonically, of course.

out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone drop down to the spawner. she didn't care that she wasn't ready to fight. even if it was a greater dream smp citizen, they were on neutral terms. right now, the dream smp and l'manberg didn't have any sort of beef, for once.

"oh, hey camille. i didn't know you were down here. i'll come back later."

she swings at the spiders, then turns to face the newcomer. "hi ponk! it's okay, i'm almost done."

eyeing her, ponk stands in the afk area. camille smiles at him thankfully, then goes back to killing the spiders. she could tell ponk was wary of her. and she understood why. about a month ago, during the great war of the dream smp versus l'manberg, camille had betrayed the dream smp. during the midst of chaos of when eret let the dream smp ambush l'manberg in the final control room, camille fought alongside l'manberg.

"so, ponk. how's the dream smp?" she decides to make conversation, as it's gotten awkward.

"um... good, i guess. just dream controlling eret as usual. nothing new."

she chuckles at his statement. there was something she was glad she didn't have to witness. dream. that little green bitch. even though eret was on l'manberg's side, whenever they came to visit the dream smp, she and eret acted like the best of friends. they were always really kind, and supported her a lot. so when camille found out from callahan that dream was controlling eret, a while back, camille was upset. she always thought eret had more sense, but maybe they didn't realise they were being controlled.

camille knows how the hierarchy of the dream smp works. there's the king, then the squire, and the citizens. but in between the king and the squire, the leader role exists. played by yours truly, dream. the leader's job is to simply exist in the background, whilst secretly influencing the king's every decision. so really, eret is just a puppet while dream is working the strings.


camille snaps back from the mini monologue in her mind. "er... what was that?"

"are you done? you've just been staring into space."

"right! sorry." taking one last swing, camille steps away from the spawner and ponk takes her place. camille hops over to the anvil, and renames her sword.

the dream killer

if there wasn't a guy named dream that she knew, it'd sound like she was trying to crush people's dreams.

"see you around!" camille calls as she leaves. she didn't hear ponk's reply.


"camille! i've been looking for you." tubbo exclaims excitedly.

"oh, yeah... i was just..." she motions to her sword.

"of course." tubbo nods, "i was just about to have some dinner with tommy and wilbur. want to join?"

"sure, why not. i need to prevent the child from convincing wilbur i 'stole' you from him anyways."

tubbo lets out his cheerful laugh, then skips over to a room that was never there before.

"what's this?"

"oh, wilbur built a room just for us to have dinner." tubbo enters the room, and camille follows shortly. it's nothing impressive, really. it's just an oak box with a door, a table and chairs.

tommy shoots camille deathly looks while she converses with tubbo and wilbur. he could've joined in, but he insisted on staring at camille, and mouthing things like "i'm gonna kill you. again." and "stay away from my best friend, woman."

after finishing her small meal of steak and water, camille announces her leave. "as much as i've enjoyed this, i'm gonna get to sleep. i'll see you guys around!" camille exits the dinner room, and as she closes the door, she hears a statement from tubbo.

"we already know she's not going to sleep..."

she sighs. why bother lying if they already know? she waltzes down the prime path, opening the gates to the dream smp. or, as some l'manbergians would call it, the gates to hell. although camille was loyal to l'manberg, when she heard someone hating on the dream smp, she'd find herself defending her former home. scurrying past the bamboo, she enters the community house and goes straight to the top.

easily jumping over the aquarium, she sits on the brick wall, overlooking the lake. there were many places better than this one, where you could see the whole dream smp. or even the whole l'manberg and the whole dream smp.

but the community house reminded camille of a simpler time. one where they all lived in harmony, and weren't split into fractions.

"i thought you'd be up here. again."


a/n: hello! first chapter, so it's pretty much just an introductory one. i'm trying to limit myself to 1000 words or less per chapter, because i don't want each chapter to be too long :d feel free to interact, and correct me in the comments.

i love you, and make sure to take care of yourself <3

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