❝ seven ❞

776 27 25

tw: blood , death

"take a good look because it's the last face you'll see." he picks up his sword, and grins.

camille's breathing gets shallow. dream is... he's incredibly attractive. his slanted, almond-shaped eyes are a stunning green. they're piercing, as if they're trying to read her mind. his lips are curved in a malicious grin, giving him a devilish look. he has a few light brown freckles dotting the bridge of his nose as well as his cheeks.

"d-dream..." camille stutters.

dream straightens his back, biting his lip. "nothing's going to work, camille."

"are you sure?" slowly, she takes off her chest plate. she wants  to show she trusts him enough to take her most protective piece of armour off in front of him. dream raises an eyebrow and sneers.

"what're you doing?"

holding her breath and shutting her eyes, camille lunges forward, and kisses him. he's surprised at first, but gently leans into it.

the gentleness doesn't last. eventually, his anger takes over, and he starts biting her bottom lip, forcing open her mouth. his tongue slips in, easily winning dominance.

dropping his sword and wrapping his arms around her waist, she whimpers as he draws blood, biting her lip.

camille's heart races as their mouths move in perfect sync. here they were, in the middle of a war, kissing.

"dream?" someone yells.

as camille's about to pull away, a searing pain spreads through her body. dream backs away, eyes narrowed. his hand is wrapped around a small pocket knife. camille winces as the pain spreads, coursing through her blood. she opens her mouth, but no words come out.

the pain takes over her, to the point where she can't even tell where it's originating from. her vision gets blurry, and her head spins. she opens her mouth to yell for dream, but instead, blood spills from her mouth.

she collapses on the ground, her whole body throbbing. as her eyes start to shut, she sees one last thing. dream. he's right in front of her, watching her. he opens his mouth, and says something, but the buzzing in camille's ears is too loud.

finally, she closes her eyes, and lets go.





the first thing camille hears when she regains consciousness is shouting. screaming. yelling.

opening her eyes, she looks around. the fight's still going on, and tubbo's kneeling by her, yelling at tommy. tommy's desperately trying to get tubbo back into the fight. when camille wakes up, tommy sighs with relief then rushes back into the battle.

groggily, she sits up and rubs her head. her back aches, as she tries to recall what happened. "tubbo?" she groans.

tubbo turns to her, fright evident in his eyes. "cami! are you okay?!"

"i... what happened?" gingerly, she touches her back. there's no wound, but she can feel her shirt crusted with dried blood.

"you got back stabbed. literally and figuratively." tubbo cringes, "why would you take your armour off?!"

"i don't know. i thought i could trust dream. obviously, i can't." wincing, camille tries standing up. she manages it, but the ache in her back is obvious. she picks up her chest plate and slides it on, rolling her shoulders.

"alright. let's go win this-"

tubbo's eyes widen as he stands up as well. "cami, no! you can't fight. come, let's go somewhere safe-"

"no, tubbo. i've got a green bitch to slaughter."


guilt coursed through dream as he fought fundy. what was he thinking? stabbing camille like that? his dream had come true. he was kissing the one he loved. then he ruined it by stabbing her. just wonderful.

fundy nicks dream's cheek, causing dream to flinch. fundy bares his teeth. "you don't seem very focused."

dream kicks out a leg, knocking fundy off his feet. he points his sword down at him, smirking. "what was that?"

as he's about to step on fundy, an arrow comes out of nowhere and hits his armour.

he winces as he feels it. his armour's durability is wearing down. camille reveals herself, her eyes flaring with rage. dream laughs. "this will be fun."

fundy stands up, rushing to camille's side. "let's take him together, cami."

"no, fundy. i need to do this myself."

fundy opens his mouth, then sighs. he knows there's no point arguing, because the determination in camille's eyes is scary.

"please don't get yourself killed." with one last glare at dream, he hops away to duel someone else.

camille spins her sword around. "well well well. just you and me, dream. both on our final canon lives."

dream starts circling her, causing camille to do the same. when dream doesn't reply, camille continues. "when you told me you loved me, did you even mean it? or was it just a ruse?"

dream scoffs. "did you even mean it? 'cause it sure as hell didn't seem like it."

"you were the one that stabbed me in the back! literally! plus, i said i loved you. past tense, you twat."

dream takes a step closer, eyeing her sword. "y'know, we don't have to do this. we could go our separate ways. pretend this never happened."

camille snorts. "no way in hell am i doing that. i'm killing you here. right now."

as camille's about to attack dream, she hear someone holler. "WILBUR?!"

camille freezes in place, her head snapping towards l'mantree, where the yell came from.

"DREAM SMP, RETREAT." eret's powerful voice resonates throughout l'manberg.

dream rests his sword on his shoulder and straightens his mask he put on at some point. "until next time, m'lady." he darts off, grouping up with the rest of his allies.

camille races towards l'mantree, imagining the worst. wilbur was on his final canon life. if he died... what would become of l'manberg? without a leader, the dream smp would easily take over. and that was the last thing that anyone wanted.


a/n: cliffhanger ending?? 😱

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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