❝ nineteen ❞

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tw: death

camille regards her search party.

"okay, we can't waste time. let's go!" before her stands nihachu, sapnap, tubbo, ranboo and george.

they head out to l'manberg, tubbo walking by her side. "it's weird being back here... and with all these vines."

"i know." camille tries paying attention to him, but she can't help worry about dream. she can't help imaging the worst. she never really was an optimistic person.


once they'd reached l'manberg, camille suggested they all split up. as they were looking, tubbo called out for them.


everyone meets up with tubbo, carefully stepping over the vines. there, tubbo is standing, holding a white mask. there's a smiley face on it, with the eyeholes missing. the straps are lose, and the owner is nowhere to be found.

tubbo hands camille the mask and she chokes. "his mask. he's here. he has to be!"

everyone immediately begins looking around, using sticks to poke and prod the vines to move them out the way. camille pokes something hard, and everything screams at her that's it a rock. but she refuses to listen to the voices in her head.

she moves the vines out of the way and her heart stops.


on the ground.

buried in vines.


she stares down at his pale body, dropping the stick and his mask. she kneels down next to him, staying clear of the vines. "no. no!"

she shakes his shoulders, a little part of her refusing to believe it. "dream. dream, please!"

ranboo appears next to camille, his eyes wide. "is he..."

camille cries loudly. "yes. yes! fucking hell..."

the rest of the party comes over, gasps and whispers emitting.


"no. no! this is so fucking unfair. he didn't deserve this! oh my god. my last words to him..."

"shut up, dream! just leave me the fuck alone."

camille's breathing grows shallow, and her head aches. "this can't be happening. this can't... this can—" she stands up and cries, ranboo holding her gently.

everyone else silently mourns for dream; quiet cries are heard.

"first wilbur... now dream, so soon?" tubbo mutters sorrowfully.

"i'm so sorry, dream. i'm so, so fucking sorry." camille cries into ranboo's chest, her voice muffled.

camille cries until her throat is raw. until her eyes are red and sore. until she runs out of the energy to cry.


"i stand before you all, to make a speech in remembrance of dream, and wilbur. thanks to bad, we've managed to erradicate the vines. tommy and ponk have recovered, thank god."

"what happened to dream was horrible. the way he died... recently, dream and i got into a fight. my biggest regret was not making up with him. my last words to him were horrible, and i know i'll never forget them. i loved dream so much, and now, i stand here, my heart aching. because i know i'll never get another chance to say my final words to him."

"dream, the love of my life, did leave me with something that i'll always take care of, no matter what. he left me a child."

everyone in the audience screamed and clapped, excited for their leader.

"this child will be my sole priority... which is why i can no longer lead l'manberg and the dream smp combined. i've put a lot of thought into this decision, and i'm passing my presidency onto nihachu."

nihachu looks stunned as camille motions her onto stage. she joins camille up there, and hugs her. camille stand back, her eyes watering.

"thank you, camille. i... i never could've expected this. i'm going to miss dream so much. my first act as president, is to rename our faction. it's no longer l'manberg combined with the dream smp. from this day onwards, our faction is known as the dwilbur smp." nihachu smiles until her cheeks hurt, yet her eyes are sad.

george stands up, looking confused. "dwilbur? it's a little strange, but i guess it's sweet..."

"gimme a break, i had to come up with it on the spot!"

everyone laughs lightly, and nihachu says her final words, then dismisses everyone. with her and camille left, the two of them head up onto the flag which they're remodelling tomorrow. it's half broken, from all the times people have come up and messed around with it, creating new memories.

"it's a beautiful night." nihachu comments.

camille sighs loudly. "yeah. it is."

"i'm really sorry about dream."

"i'm really sorry about wilbur."

nihachu puts an arm around camille. "how're you holding up?"

"do you know what my last words to dream were?"

"no, what were they?"

"shut up, dream! just leave me the fuck alone." camille recites the words that echo through her head every night.

"i can't stop thinking about it, nihachu. when i found him, the last thing i said to him, our argument... i hate myself for the way i left things with him..."

"hey, it's okay. it's natural for couples to have arguments, y'know?"

camille starts crying, the wind stinging her eyes. "i-i just miss h-him so much..." she whimpers.

nihachu guides camille's head onto her shoulder. "ssh, ssh. i'm here for you. we're all here for you. even though things didn't end great, he knew you loved him. your whole argument, even while you were fighting, he knew you loved him. and you know he loved you."

"i would give anything for him to still be here." camille hiccups.

"i feel the same about wilbur. but camille, i'm sorry, things have to move on. you can grieve, of course, but eventually, you'll move on. you'll realise life goes on. it took me a while, but i got here. and i'll do whatever i can to help you get here too."

for the first time in a while, camille smiles a genuine smile. "thanks, nihachu."


a/n: no that's not the end :) there's one final chapter! i'm sorry if these chapters seem rushed, as i said, this story is really fast paced!

i love you all, make sure to take care of yourself <3

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