20: Reality

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On Saturday, Avery could only think about what she had read in her father's notebook: The Falls. Something from her father's notebook. Avery had forgotten about it until now. As she laid in bed staring up at the ceiling, all she could think about was her parents. Did they end up going? It was the only clue Avery had. It would confirm something to Avery. She figured that if they really loved each other, their initials would be there. If they did not love each other, then the initials would not be there which meant her mother left because of her dad, not Avery. There were a lot of if's there but Avery had nothing else to go on. It was still weighing on her mind when all her friends came into her room today.

"What do you mean you aren't coming?" Nikki asked.

Avery glanced over at her from the bed. Nikki's face was full of concern. Avery's eyes drifted to who else was in the room. Brady and Cole were on the couch and Julian was leaning against the wall across from her.

"Tell her she needs to come," Nikki said to the boys.

"You have to come, it's your boyfriend's party," Brady tried. "Besides, he's probably still mad at us from the last time we were at his place," he said, glancing over at Julian who gave Brady an annoyed look.

"He won't care," Avery muttered. "As long as you bring the keg you promised."

"But Emmet said he was only coming if we got you to come," Cole whined.

"If I know Emmet well enough, which I do, by the way, then I know for a fact that he will be there anyway as long as there's beer," Avery snapped.

"Why are you so grumpy?" Julian asked.

Avery glared at him. She did not appreciate being cornered into going to a party right now. The last pages of her father's notebook were still weighing on her mind. She wanted to go to The Falls. She needed to know if they had written their initials up there. Was their love real? Or had they always fought? She needed answers and it was her only lead.

"Earth to Avery," Nikki said, waving a hand in front of her face.

Avery refocused on Nikki and swatted her hand away. She sat up and crossed her arms.

"Fine, I'll come if someone takes me to wherever The Falls are," she demanded.

All four of them looked between each other completely bewildered by her request.

"You want someone to take you to The Falls," Nikki repeated.


"Avery, you know people go to The Falls-"

"To have sex, yes, I am aware it is some weird tradition for couples at Hartfield," Avery snapped, cutting Brady off. "I do not want someone to have sex with me, I just don't know where it is, and I'm looking for something that would be there."

"At The Falls," Cole repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, why is that so hard to grasp?" Avery asked annoyedly.

"Okay, fine, someone will take you to The Falls," Nikki said. "But I have to get ready, Chelsey is still getting ready, and Brady and Cole have to go pick up the keg."

Avery frowned. She laid back down.

"No, no get up," Nikki said immediately. "Julian will take you."

"Woah hold up, who said that?" Julian asked.

"Me," Nikki said, walking over to him. "Come on, just take her, we will probably all get there around the same time if you leave now and meet us after anyway," she said.

Julian stared at Nikki for a moment but finally gave in and nodded. "Fine, I'll take her," he said.

Nikki smiled. "You're the best."

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