6: Lineage

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On Saturday, Avery went to see her uncle. It was kind of late, but she figured he would be awake. If he was her father's identical twin, she figured he too would like to stay up stargazing until the sun started to rise. She wanted to apologize for the rude comment she had made about him not being there for her dad. In truth, Avery knew nothing about his father and uncle's past, she had no place to pass judgment.

Avery took in her surroundings as she walked to the faculty and staff housing community. It was on the other side of the mountain where according to Emmet if she just went a little farther, she would find some of the best parties around in the vacation homes of the rich kids' parents.

Avery wasn't sure how the conversation with Uncle Mark would go, but she wanted to know more about her parents. As Nikki and Avery did their History homework the other day, all Avery could think about was her history. Her parents, their life at Hartfield, what they were like before her mom left, all the things her father so seldom talked about.

As she approached the teacher's community, she smiled at the appeal of it. She had wondered why anyone would want to live here to teach at a boarding school. According to Nikki, some teachers did make the commute into school, but most lived here. The cabin homes were lined up on either side of her, but it was the views that really made it worth it. From here, she could watch the sunrise and sunset, it was breathtaking.

Avery was beginning to wonder if this was a bad idea. How would she even find her uncle? Avery began to change her mind until she heard someone call her last name.


Avery turned around and someone was walking towards her. He was old, as he got closer, she realized he was really old. He was in shorts and an athletic shirt with the school logo on it.

"I'm Coach," he said, offering his hand.

Avery took his hand and nodded. "I'm Avery Davidson, but I guess you already knew that."

"Of course, I know all the Davidsons, coached two of them as well," he said, beginning to smile but it fell almost immediately a few seconds later. "I'm sorry to hear of your father's passing."

Avery swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. "Thank you," she managed.

"So, do you play basketball as well?" he asked. "I mean, surely the daughter of the great Keith Davidson plays basketball."

Avery shrugged. "I used to," she said.

"Well, if you ever want to join the team, please, let me know, I will always make room for a Davidson," he said kindly.

"Thanks," Avery said, nodding a bit shyly.

"Do you want to see some of your dad's things?" he offered.

"You have some of my dad's stuff?" she asked curiously.

He nodded. "Just some things from when he was in high school," he explained. 'Come on, I'll show you."

Avery quickly followed after Coach forgetting all about her uncle now. They went to the gymnasium, and he took her up in the loft space above the gym. Avery glanced over the edge and saw the basketball court where some people were practicing.

"Do you miss it?' he asked.

She shrugged. "I miss my dad more."

"You know at the end of the day, he was my star player, but I couldn't be prouder of him for giving it all up to raise you," he said with a small smile.

Avery nodded. It was nice to hear. Her father would have liked to know that.

"He coached basketball at my school," she said. "He used to play with me almost every day after school too."

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