Ekrixiphobia - Fear of Explosions

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What a terrible turn of events.

After the confrontation with Endeavor, Ritsu and Iida wished Midoriya luck and headed to the stands while he headed to the stage. That was when they ran into a problem. Because instead of Todoroki waiting for Midoriya like expected, it was Bakugou. Who, with a sneer, had loudly asked:

"Deku? Where the fuck is Porcupine?!"

Ritsu had been walking behind Iida up the stairway between the stands when he foolishly decided to turn around toward the noise. What else was he expecting to see other than Bakugou glowering at him?

Everything after that happened quickly. Yaoyorozu had said something to Iida which immediately had him turning around to usher Ritsu toward the feral blond.

"They changed the order of the fights! You're going up Kageyama!" Iida had hurriedly explained while he urged Ritsu back down the steps and past an equally confused Midoriya who was making his way up them.

Now that he was standing in the center of the stadium, Ritsu figured that the circumstances which got him here didn't matter. He was here now and there was nothing he could do to change it.

Still, he hated it.

He hated that he was in a different world. He hated that he didn't pay attention to Present Mic over the speakers. He hated that thousands of eyes were on him. And most of all, he hated UA and its 'twists'.


Bakugou smiled wildly at him, clearly enjoying the turn of events.


UA, being the absolutely unpredictable school that was, decided that the twist for the year's tournament would be holding the fights out of order. At any moment your match could be called and you had to be ready to fight; an evil tactic meant to keep everyone on edge.

Ritsu brought his attention back to his opponent. He just had to forget that it was Bakugou he was up against, even if it seemed impossible when the blond was starting to become a natural repellent. Breathe, relax, and get out.


Bakugou started the fight with a bang. Multiple ones. A culmination of loud explosions that filled the stage with smoke and made Ritsu's eyes water. The blond's strategy was clear: overstimulation.

The smoke engulfed Ritsu, further restricting his eyesight. Furiously blinking away tears, he waited expectantly for the attack that was bound to come.

It came from his left. He had barely been able to register Bakugou's face emerging from the smoke before an explosion hit his side and sent him flying across the stage.

Hot pain erupted in his torso. It felt as though he was being stabbed by hundreds of tiny knives and he couldn't help but wonder how Uraraka had been able to survive against what must have been dozens of these explosions.

He could hardly even regain his breath before Bakugou came running after him again. Not wanting to face the searing pain again, Ritsu dashed out of the other boy's path. There was no way that the blond would be able to slow his momentum quick enough to redirect his attack.

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