Draco Malfoy x Reader x Cedric Diggory (part 4)

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The first match went by quickly,  with Krum playing extraordinarily well. We got back to the tent, and honestly, I was so tired I barely registered anything. Maybe it was my body's way of settling into this reality. Like a jetlag, but way stronger. 

I should have warned the others about the death eaters, but I realized that changing this reality could alter different ones, ultimately causing chaos.

 I ran sluggishly  with Ginny as the death eaters lit fires everywhere. 

But that was the limit. 
My body couldn't the physical stress, the mental and molecular ones were too much. 

I fainted, as everything turned black.

I woke up surrounded by Hermione and Ron. 

"Y/n." Hermione breathed in relief. 

I sat up groggily. 

"Where's everyone?" I asked.

Ron pointed  towards the gathering of the Weasleys, the Diggorys were nowhere to been seen.

"We found you a minute ago, you fell down, but I think you're okay. We have to find Harry. Merlin knows what must have happened to him." Ron exclaimed and I nodded to them as they ran east.

"Y/n. Are you Okay?" Ginny questioned looking concerned. 

"Yeah. I'm fine now. I think my molecules have completely adjusted to this reality. The shifting and stuff must have increased the kinetic energy." 

Ginny nodded and then smiled sheepishly.

"Dad has some muggle books, and I've read most of them, So I know what you're talking about." She said going red.

I laughed softly, "Don't be embarrassed. It's good to know more."

She had a thoughtful expression. 

"You know what? I'm betting 10 galleons you'll be placed in Ravenclaw tomorrow at the sorting." She declared.

"Did I just hear?- Fred started

"A bet?" George continued.

They grinned at each other wickedly. 

"I'm betting 15 galleons you'll be sorted into Hufflepuff. You seem innocent to me." George smirked.

"No way. She's definitely a Gryffindor. Did you hear her snarky retorts? That's totally Gryffindor level." Fred continued. 

"Definitely not Slytherin." Someone said.

"Pretty boy Diggory." The twins chorused, as Arthur and Amos commented that it was lucky both of their families were safe, and headed off to find Ron, Hermione and Harry.

"What do you think Y/n?" Ginny asked.

"I...don't know." I answered honestly.

"Guess we'll see." Cedric smiled.

I gave him a small smile.

There was a minute of silence as we all waited tensely for Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory to return.

Another minute passed in silence.

Then finally , all of them came out of the bushes.

Mrs. Weasley came out of the tent, packing everything away. 

Mr. Weasley announced that it was time to go, and wordlessly everyone walked over to the portkey after the spinning, landed softly on the floor.

As everyone said their goodbyes, my flickered to the tousled bronze haired boy, and my breath caught at his beauty.

The moonlight seemed to make him glow. 

But somehow it seemed like he was avoiding my gaze.

We didn't even say goodbye to each other. 

I felt slightly hurt. We were friends though.


Pushing my thoughts away I walked with the Weasleys to the burrow, waiting to go to Hogwarts.

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