Flower x Ruby Headcanons (SPOILER WARNING!)

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-Flower confessed to Ruby not too long after the show split, with her confession in the "Redesigning jacknjellify's Logo" livestream. They started dating after this.

-Ruby plays the ukelele, and will often play for Flower. During the time they were on separate teams, Ruby would show up where the Have Nots were sleeping at night, and then play and sing songs for her. (It was basically the whole "show up at her house after dark and then serenade her from the ground in secret" thing, minus the fact that Flower didn't have a house, and they were both on the ground, and Flower didn't have a window to look out from, and it wasn't really a secret because all her other teammates were also there because they didn't really have anywhere else to sleep, so basically the same thing.) Despite being slightly annoyed at the lack of sleep, most of the Have Nots thought it was cute. (Blocky was mostly just annoyed.)

-They both LOVE musical theatre. Their favorite musicals to watch together are Heathers and Mean Girls.

-Ruby always assumed she was aromantic, since she was never really interested in guys. She started crushing on Flower sometime in between BFB 1 and BFB 2 (which is around the time I headcanon them actually becoming friends) but she was oblivious to the fact that her feelings weren't platonic for ages. She basically SapphoAndHerFriended herself, like "She is my moon and my sun and I'm smitten with her beauty and strength and I want to be with her all the time, so we're basically besties." When Flower pulled the stunt with the Non-Slip Shoes So Ha in BFB 11, she was absolutely floored, like, seriously over the moon, and then she finally realized "Oh shoot I AM VERY GAY"

-In addition, pre-BFB 11, Ruby would just ramble to Bubble about Flower, and how beautiful she is, and God, isn't Flower amazing, and then after the stair challenge happened and Bubble had some time time to cool off from her conversation with Match, Ruby pulled her aside and was like "Uhhhhhhh I think I'm kind of in love with Flower please help me" and Bubble's reaction was basically just  "YOU DIDN'T KNOW"

-Flower had the idea that she might like Ruby about a third of the way into pre-split BFB (she already knew she was a lesbian, unlike Ruby), and then after thinking about it a lot, she just came to the full realization on her own.

-Their first kiss was quite a bit after they started dating, they were just having a conversation and laughing and just being very in love and then Ruby got nervous and was like "SO UHHHHHHHHHHHHH DO YOU WANNA MAKE OUT" and Flower's response was something along the lines of "ASDFJHOGEURVIOAHGIOAHGIAOHDKF YES"

-Also not specific to Flowby but everyone on iance is gay and that just seems to be a generally known fact (at least none of them are straight)

-Flower made them both two-of-a-kind matching sweaters. When Ruby was in the BRB, they would wear these sweaters when they missed each other.

-Their song is "Lover" by Taylor Swift (the original solo, not the version with Shawn Mendes, they feel like he ruins it)

-Flower took dance classes for years as a child, and can dance rather skillfully, while Ruby, despite her many valiant efforts, cannot dance worth a cent. Flower has made several failed attempts to teach Ruby how to dance, and they really like to dance together, even though Ruby's bad at it.

-If they were in Inanimate Insanity II, they would be on the Bright Lights.

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