Fun Facts About my OCs!

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-After I began giving QR Codey's personality more development, I eventually realized that I kiiiiinda maybe subconsciously autism-coded her on complete accident. So yeah, her being autistic is at least partially canon now.

-Spade was originally an ampersand (this symbol: &) but that was way too difficult for me to draw without making it look super awkward. Similarly, Choker used to be a wooden drumstick, but I literally could not draw them without them looking like a penis. Believe me, I tried.

-Belladonna was going to be a sort of villainess who was her own character and completely separate from TOO, and would have been this sort of Jessica Rabbit type character who was actually secretly evil and would poison people. Eventually, I got attached to her, and she became part of TOO. Idk how she developed the personality/background she has now, I think at some point my brain just randomly went "Hmmmm hot evil woman but what about no"

-Shamrock and Shrubby were originally just friends/coworkers (I first made them when the concept for TOO was very different). They then went to being cousins, and then I decided "screw it, they're siblings now".

-Easel and Orange Slicey were both girls, originally. Easel became a boy because there was a gender imbalance in the original show cast, and Orange Slicey became a boy because I just decided him being a boy suited him better. I consider both of them to be trans in current TOO canon.

-Similarly, Mousepad used to be genderfae before I decided to make them fully genderfluid (meaning they didn't experience male/masculine genders before, and now they do).

-Scythe is based on a real person I knew (although some of her traits are amplified/exaggerated).

-This was the direct inspiration for Baoding Balls! My parents had these since I was little, and then they gave them to me :)

-This was the direct inspiration for Baoding Balls! My parents had these since I was little, and then they gave them to me :)

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(You can kinda see my reflection in the balls, I tried to cover up my face with the IPad lol)

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(You can kinda see my reflection in the balls, I tried to cover up my face with the IPad lol)

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