More Ship Opinions

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This one's gonna be short because it's just the ones I forgot for last chapter:

Paintbrush x OJ: Eh, I'm not personally a fan. I like them as friends, though, and I do see the appeal.

Salt x OJ: This one kind of feels gross to me. OJ clearly doesn't like Salt back and is uncomfortable with her advances, and the way she behaves towards him is pretty much harassment. (It reminds me of Chowder x Panini, and I also don't like that ship for the same reasons.)

Paper x Pepper: I've seen two or so fanfictions for this one. I don't really get it, and I don't hate it, but I don't like it either.

Paper x Knife: I pretty much feel the same way about this one as I do Paper x Pepper.

Bow x Dough: Even if they're not actually siblings, Dough still sees Bow as his sibling, so shipping them would be WAY too weird.

MePhone4 x MePhone4S: They're pretty much siblings. No.

MePhone4 x MePad: Same as the above.

The Prime Shimmer x Fan: I won't lie, I kind of see the appeal, and I think it's interesting. I don't ship it though LMAO

Test Tube x Golf Ball: I don't know if people actually ship this, but I think it's a pretty decent crackship/crossover ship, since their passions lie in similar areas and I can see them being really good friends.

I THINK that's all of them now. Hopefully, I haven't forgotten any more that I'd like to talk about.

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