Scrapped OCs

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In addition to the last chapter, here are some OCs that I no longer use!


Name: Sunglasses

Species: Pair of tinted sunglasses

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Romantic interest: None

Other info: Sunglasses was very heavily inspired by Strong Bad (I was still really into Homestar Runner at the time of creating her.) She was kind of the typical "mean" character. She had a big ego, tried very hard to prove she was tough and strong, and she was just very rude to people. Her whole ordeal was that she grew up in an environment where she was constantly belittled for being weak and docile, so she kind of adopted her persona to prove that the people demeaning her were wrong.

The problem with this character was that I accidentally gave her characteristics of the "mean tomboy" trope, (even though the way she acted was mostly a front) which was kind of a yikes. In addition, I realized she was essentially just female Strong Bad rather than being her own character, so I decided to scrap her.

Some aspects of her character were given to Warhammer, who I like a lot better because she's far less stereotype-y, she stands alone as her own thing, and I'm just generally more satisfied with her character.


Name: Candle (I made her before II Season 3 was a thing lol)

Species: Wax candlestick

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Romantic interest: Flashlight (Boyfriend/ex-boyfriend)

Other info: Inspired by the song "Candle Queen" by GHOST, which used to be one of my favorite songs. (If any one of you says anything about how that song is ableist I swear to God no it's not) She was pretty much just a gaslighter and an emotional abuser. She treated Flashlight horribly and controlled him. She honestly wasn't that interesting, but now I have a different character who is a much better-written gaslighter/abuser, since they're based on someone I actually knew lol


Name: Flashlight

Species: ...Flashlight

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Romantic interest: Candle (Girlfriend/ex-girlfriend)

Other info: I made him when I was pretty new to exploring topics in my characters like abusive relationships, so he kinda sucked as a character. His entire thing is just that he's an abuse victim who can't stand up for himself until he tells Candle off and breaks up with her. I used to be really bad at writing that stuff, and I'd like to think I'm better and writing those sorts of relationships now, and making more interesting characters. I'll at least give props to past me for trying to challenge stereotypes and write a female abuser, I guess. 

Also there was a very short period of time where I shipped him with Dora from BFB lmao-


Name: Glitter Pen

Species: Hot pink glitter pen

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Romantic interest: None

Other info: She was a businesswoman who was tired of people making assumptions off of her looks, and tried a bit too hard to be taken seriously.

Now here's the kicker- she was also a MAGICAL GIRL on the side, and there was this whole thing where she was blackmailed by Shifter to keep her identity a secret because Shifter used to be a villain back then, and her character and story were really out of place in the world I was trying to establish, and it was just an overall mess.

I got rid of her because I just didn't find her that interesting anymore, and I kind of got into a rut where I couldn't figure out what to do with her.


Name: Yoga Mat

Species: Rolled up yoga mat

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Romantic interest: None

Other info: She was pretty much just Candle from II, except Candle did it better, lol.


Name: OwO

Species: Emoticon

Limbs: All

Gender: I've decided she's somewhere between female and undefined eldritch horror.

Pronouns: She/They

Romantic interest: None

Other info: A horrid cursed OC I made for lols a long time ago. They were a personification of the "OwO, what's this" meme, and they had rhotacism and spoke like a stereotypical furry. Her whole schtick was that she would say something weird/creepy/gross, and everyone else would be creeped out by this ungodly thing. I got rid of them for kind of obvious reasons.


That's all of them for right now.

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