Inanimate Insanity x Community

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I made a post about this before like, a long time ago and I want to talk about it again because I've thought about it more

So like- a crossover AU for Inanimate Insanity and Community. You know, the Dan Harmon show.

I mean, it's kind of a crack AU, but I think it could work.

Trophy would be Jeff. I know I suggested Nickel for this role before, but now that I think about it, Trophy as Jeff works unbelievably well.

Fan as Abed is also just perfect. Tell me that role would not immediately fall to Fan.

Personality wise, I think Lightbulb as Troy fits well. Maybe not backstory wise, though.

Tea Kettle is Shirley, no question. They're both the group moms.

Test Tube as Annie also seems like a really good choice, since they're very alike in personality. (Also, I love how this would work well with Testbulbfan/Trobedison shenanigans.)

Steve Cobs is Pierce. He is literally the only one I'd be okay with as Pierce. I cannot let anyone else be Pierce.

I think Cheesy as Dean Pelton kind of works, especially with all the dean puns.

I don't have a logical explanation for Yin-Yang as Chang, other than I think it would be funny.

I quite like the idea of Paintbrush as Frankie. That would mean that they don't show up until later, but I still think it works.

The only one I'm lost on so far is Britta, since there aren't really any characters that are like her in II. The closest ones that I can match her to are proooooobably Marshmallow and Microphone, and I don't like the idea of either of those as Britta. I guess I'll figure it out.

I'm not taking this AU seriously either, unlike my BFB x Heathers AU. I just made this one up for fun.

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