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Okay so uh @ThehumanNamedE did this, so I decided to do it too. 

By the way, I've cut these off at the point they start talking about entirely new characters that have nothing to do with any type of object show, so that's why the last one is so short.

For this one, I just copy-pasted an excerpt from a fanfiction draft I've started (be on the lookout, but maybe don't expect it tomorrow or anything.)

Here's the original text: 

 Just as Test Tube began to ponder on Lightbulb, she heard a yelp behind her and a thud, and turned around to see none other than the bulb herself positioned on her floor. "Eyyyy, wassup, Tuberino?" she asked, giving finger guns while still stomach down on the tile. Test Tube sighed. Speak of the devil, she thought. "You know, I'd be annoyed with you coming into my lab again, but I just don't have the energy right now," she said, leaning back on the table.

And here's what the website generated:


 Just as Test Tube began to ponder on Lightbulb, she heard a yelp behind her and a thud, and turned around to see none other than the bulb herself positioned on her floor. "Eyyyy, wassup, Tuberino?" she asked, giving finger guns while still stomach down on the tile. Test Tube sighed. Speak of the devil, she thought. "You know, I'd be annoyed with you coming into my lab again, but I just don't have the energy right now," she said, leaning back on the table.

"You've got to be kidding me, Test Tube," Tuberino replied, sitting up and almost falling off the table, looking at Test Tube as though she were looking at a particularly crazy person. "I'm not, I'm serious," she replied. "It's for your own good," Tuberino said, dropping his bottom onto the floor. "I beg to differ," Test Tube said, brushing herself off. "Look, your girlfriend's probably going to get suspicious of your recent absence from work and the mystery will be solved, and you'll be able to get her money without her finding out that I'm even making you work for it." Tuberino lifted his eyes up to meet Test Tube's. "Get her to what? Fuck you?" Test Tube asked, glaring at him. Tuberino laughed. "That's right, I said it," he replied.

Test Tube smacked him on the shoulder. "Listen, I'm sure you've got better things to do than work for my rent, so you don't have to. Do yourself a favor and get the hell out of here. I'm tired of spending money on you, and you make my life a living hell." "I know how to make you my bitch Test Tube," Tuberino said, grinning and walking out of the lab. "I'll come back some other time." Test Tube watched him go, then decided she'd had enough of lightbulbs and headed to her office to pass out on her couch for the rest of the night.



So it took my stupid nickname for Test Tube and made it into its own character? Who is male? And then just removed Lightbulb from the situation entirely???

So Tuberino is crashing at Test Tube's place because they have some kind of arrangement where he's giving her money, but also leeching off of the money she already has, and there's some kind of mystery going on? And Test Tube has an unnamed girlfriend, but Tuberino wants to fuck said girlfriend, and also wants to make Test Tube his bitch????? 

Yeah, okay, obviously, this is NOTHING like the plot of the story from which this excerpt was pulled, and it is... confusing.

Now here's something I just came up with for my OCs, with the original text being significantly shorter.

Here's what I wrote:

 Spade stroked Belladonna's back as she sobbed over their shoulder. "I understand," they said. "It's gonna be okay. I'm here. I'm here."

And here's what it generated:


Spade stroked Belladonna's back as she sobbed over their shoulder. "I understand," they said. "It's gonna be okay. I'm here. I'm here." Spade pushed the cat's head away. "Don't make her think she's doing this by herself," he said, standing and offering Belladonna a more stable place on the table. He waited for the woman to push away. "I'm so scared," she said. "Where are you going? Please don't leave me here." She stared at the cat and cried harder. A few moments later, the police entered the room and started to pull up the woman's clothing. Belladonna disappeared.

A minute later, Belladonna stepped back into the room. She looked bewildered, but Spade scooped her up. He carried her into the front of the house, ignoring the officer's commands to put her down. Spade showed the woman her merchandise and offered her a cup of coffee. Then he took Belladonna into the backyard.

"She just grabbed me," Belladonna said, purring up a storm. Spade returned inside with the cat, sat down and took off his shirt. "I think she wanted me to rub her belly." He rubbed the animal until she fell asleep in his lap. Belladonna slept curled up on his chest for about an hour. Then she rubbed against his ear and asked for her leash back. "Sorry, kid," Spade said. She pulled out of her collar and ran out into the street. She must have wandered back to her owner's house by the time he got back from the Safeway.


This was... something.

Okay, first of all, Spade gets misgendered (Xe uses they/xe pronouns.) Second, previously never considered neither Spade nor Belladonna to have a cat, but I may make that canon now. Thirdly, why tf were the police there, and why were they pulling up Bella's clothing?!?!

I'm a bit confused about the nature of this text. Something about the police, and a cat? And Spade going somewhere, but Belladonna being scared and not wanting them to? I don't know.

Okay, here's a final one, with my other OCs. This was the original text:

Shamrock placed Tweek in her brother's hands. Shrubby looked him in the eyes and smiled. Even if he couldn't share in the same love for snails that his sister had, he could at least understand why they loved theirs so much.

And here's the results:


Shamrock placed Tweek in her brother's hands. Shrubby looked him in the eyes and smiled. Even if he couldn't share in the same love for snails that his sister had, he could at least understand why they loved theirs so much. He and Tweek shared a long hug. "That's so nice of you to say. I'm sure the snails are real appreciative, ha ha."

"That's right, they love me too, you know." Shrubby lightly squeezed Tweek's shoulder. "You think he'll like that we named them-"

"Snail Shrubb?" Shrubby and Tweek smiled. "Snail Shrubb."

"That's it." Shrubby nodded. She and Tweek walked back up the road, stopping along the way to watch the other snails.


I... Uhhhhh

So wtf is Snail Shrubb

Why did Tweek go from being a snail to a person

Wtf is Shrubby and Tweek's relationship


Also why tf does Shrubby get referred to as "she" in that one sentence, I didn't know InferKit was transphobic smh >:( /j

Anyways I'm done

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