II Ponyo AU

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I had this AU in the back of my mind for a while, and I finally decided to write down a cast for it!

If you've never seen Ponyo, it's a Studio Ghibli movie, and I highly recommend it. I won't spoil too much, but it's well-written, and the animation is absolutely beautiful. The plot is a lot like The Little Mermaid, so if you liked that story you'll probably like this. Basically, it's about a goldfish named Ponyo who meets a human child named Sōsuke, and gains a desire to become human herself.

This AU is centered around Lightbrush. It also includes Fantube and Silvercandle.

Ponyo: Lightbulb

Sōsuke: Paintbrush

Lisa: Test Tube

Kōichi: Fan

Granmamare: Candle

Fujimoto: Silver Spoon

Kumiko (the girl with the pink bow that Ponyo spits water on): Bow 

(ik she's a more minor character)

The only ones I haven't figured out yet are who the elders at the senior center should be. Any ideas?

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