Inanimate Insanity Ship Opinions

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Hi so I repurposed this book to include more than just BFDI stuff

Here's some ship opinions because why not:

Fan x Test Tube: Yes, beautiful, amazing, LOVE the best friends to lovers trope. I also like how their interactions can be seen as both platonic friendship and shiptease, so you can have it either way (although I do prefer shipping them romantically.)

Lightbulb x Paintbrush: This was my OTP when I first joined the fandom, mostly because it was the first ship I was introduced to. I'm not as into it now, but I still love it, and there's great content for it out there!

Paper x OJ: I love these two together. They're like the Hotel dads, and it's just generally one of the most wholesome ships in the fandom.

Tissues x Yin-Yang: I have absolutely no idea where this ship even began, but it is amazing and I love these guys together. They would legit be so cute.

Poly Bright Lights: I love this one!!!! As far as polyships go, this one's great, I think it's very cute and I love the way these four interact!

Knife x Fan: I will admit that Tumblr made me fall in love with this one. I think it's absolutely adorable. 

MePhone4 x Fan: This is another ship where I just love the idea of the dynamic. Another favorite Fan ship. You rarely see content for this one, though, which is a shame.

MePhone4S x Fan: Good crack pairing, if 4S was still alive I could honestly see it.

Trophy x Fan: Again, I love the idea of the dynamic these two could potentially have. Not to mention the potential of character growth for Trophy through becoming close with someone like Fan would just be real good (Look I want him to become a better person okay I'm mad at his wasted potential)

Marshmallow x Apple x Bow: The true ending for these three, in my opinion. I quite like it.

Silver Spoon x Candle: YES. LOVE IT. SHIPPED IT SINCE THEIR FIRST EPISODE. ADORABLE. I can legit say that this is probably the one pairing (besides Fantube) that actually gets proper shiptease and I am living for it, they better be setting these to up to date or I'm gonna riot /hj

Baseball x Nickel: I think this one is neat! I don't really have a preference for if I like them better as best friends or lovers, I like both.

Apple x Bow: It's alright, I guess. I think it pretty much only works in the context of Marshplebow.

Knife x Microphone: I wasn't too invested in this one at first, but the fandom made me love it. I think it's great. (I also like them as siblings too)

Fan x Lightbulb: This one's alright. Not too invested in it, but I think it's kind of cute.

Knife x Pickle: This was my OTP for a while, I'm not as into it anymore but I still think it's really good :)

Knife x MePhone4: Again, no clue where this came from, but honestly as a crack pairing I don't think it's too bad lol

MePhone4 x OJ: I quite like this one! Mainly because of a Tumblr blog I like that makes a lot of content for this ship but still-

Nickel x Balloon: I will admit, this one is a guilty pleasure. I like their interactions in Season 3, and I've found some really cute fan content for it.

Balloon x BFDI Nickel: I've seen a comic of these two, and honestly, it's alright.

Soap x Microphone: I like these two both as friends and girlfriends, I think it's cute.

Test Tube x Lightbulb: I actually really like this one as well, I'm just not as vocal about is as I am with Fantube and such. I think these two being girlfriends would be really adorable, since I loved their relationship in Alternate Reality Show through Hatching the Plan.

Toilet x MePad: Not a huge fan of this one, but I think it's really cute.

Taco x Microphone: For some reason I used to really hate this one, but my eyes have been opened and I am a more cultured man. I think this one has a lot of potential, and it's really good.

Fan x Paintbrush: Very casual guilty pleasure ship. I like frenemies to lovers, and I've seen really good fan content for this ship. 

Trophy x Cheesy: I didn't understand this at first, but Tumblr showed me its potential and now I genuinely like it. I think it's a pretty good ship.

Yin-Yang x Tissues x Cheesy: I think this one's pretty good. I'm a sucker for polyships, and these three seem like they'd have a good relationship, so I kind of like it.

Test Tube x Lightbulb x Paintbrush: I think this one's really cute. I do kind of prefer Poly Bright Lights, but I like the dynamic between these three as well.

Marshmallow x Apple: I love these two!!! It's absolutely adorable the way they care for each other, in my opinion.

Marshmallow x Bow: Pretty nice. I shipped this more before than I did now, but I still like it.

Cabby x Test Tube: I think this one's okay. They have potential, and I feel like Test Tube was lowkey simping for Cabby in Stranded in Paradise, not gonna lie-

Baseball x Balloon: I'm gonna be real, I don't get this one, but I don't feel strongly about it either way.

Baseball x Suitcase: I kiiiiiind of get this one, but also not really.

Nickel x Suitcase: I feel like Nickel would view Suitcase more as a younger sister.

Bomb x Balloon: I've seen one comic of this???? Don't feel strongly about it.


Balloon x OJ: Don't feel strongly about it, but I think it has potential, and it's overall alright.

Salt x Pepper: Eh, it's fine. They're pretty much exactly like each other, so I can't get too invested in their relationship, although I do like fanfictions where Salt pretty much has a comphet crush on OJ and then realizes she's gay and also "friend hot" and then they kiss, it's noice (It kind of reminds me of Pencil x Match, although I kind of prefer Matchcil because they're not exactly the same and their relationship is more developed)

Suitcase x Balloon: I was never able to get as invested in this one, but I quite like it. If it's present in a fanfiction or something, I'll enjoy it, and I'll be able to root for their relationship.

Trophy x Box: This one's a good joke pairing. I like it ironically.

Paintbrush x Match: I... w h a t

Paintbrush x Trophy: I don't understand, like I read one fanfiction where they had a threesome with Fan and it was alright in that context but I'm still confused by this one (Look sometimes I read smut out of morbid curiosity don't look at me like that)

Cheesy x Tissues: Not a huge fan, but I think it's alright.

Trophy x Lightbulb: This one sure... exists.

Bow x Goo: I think these two work more as friends, but it's okay.

Bomb x OJ: Yeah, I don't care for this one.

Pickle x Taco: I get why people ship this one, and I don't quite hate it like I used to, but I still don't like it, and I'm not sure if it could ever work, even if they made up somehow.

Microphone x Cheesy: This one's kind of funny, but on a serious level, I can't really get invested in it. I just don't like it that much.

Bow x Clover: I saw one piece of fanart for it by an artist I really like and I guess it's fine, not my thing though

MePhone4 x Toilet: Yeah no, I don't see this ever working.

Trophy x Tissues: Eughghgh, no, the thought of these two having a relationship just doesn't sit right with me.

Trophy x Knife: N O .

Taco x Apple: I know this one exists, but I can't for the life of me understand why.

Alright, I think that's it for now.

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