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You walked to the cash register of the coffee shop to pick up your order after your name was called. Collecting the drinks after paying the cashier was a hassle, given how many drinks there were. There was Kotaro, Sakusa, Hinata, and Atsumu's drinks in one hand. With Suna, Osamu, and yours in the other. It was a balancing job that you had almost perfected. Well the holding part, you hadn't quite found a less difficult way to pick them up yet. Turning around slowly you were caught off guard by someone standing really close to me.
He must have been caught off guard too given the fact that his hand flew up and knocked one of your hands. Causing four of the drinks to spill all over you.
"I'm so sorry," we both said at the same time. I was completely drenched from the chest down.
He was frantically apologizing while looking behind him for someone that seemed to not be there anymore.

"No, no no don't apologize. I'm sorry. I spilled your drinks. And you're the one that's wet. Oh, god. Why. I'm so sorry. Why'd I come over here."

He was speaking as fast as you would to make up an excuse to get out of running with Sakusa.
He started grabbing napkins and dabbing your shirt after pulling you to the side, so other people could order their drinks.

"It's okay really."

You was distracted, you didn't exactly know why you were so fine with the spilled drinks, but you were. you tilted your head. He had seemed familiar. you felt like you had seen him before.

He sighed before speaking again, "honestly, I only wanted to introduce myself to you. I see you here often and my friend had encouraged me to talk to you."

That's where you had seen him. You see him in the café all the time. Tucked in the back usually accompanied by someone.

"Well that was certainly the introduction," I chuckled.

He sighed again, "I'm so sorry again, I can pay for your new drinks."

His voice was low, a bit raspy but still silky smooth, still having a hint of anxiousness hidden behind it.

"That's okay, I make my own money."

"I'm not saying you don't, I mean, I'm sure you do. It's just a respect thing."

You smiled. He was anxious and it was cute. He held himself in such a calm demeanor. Looking at him, you would've never known that he spilled those drinks on you. But with the edge in his voice and the way his eyes didn't meet yours told it all. His eyes were beautiful. A soft gold that looked like swirls of honey.

"By the way I'm, Kozume... Kenma. You can call me Kenma"

you almost called everyone by their first names or a nickname you gave them, so this would be different, plus you kinder wondered how he'd react.

"Well, Kozume, when are you going to give me your number," I Had no idea where I got this boldness from.

(Putting this here. Kenma is his FIRST NAME. (Unless it says otherwise in the manga) in the anime when he first meets hinata he denies KOZUME being his first😭🤞I swear I went back to check so much)

But the second his eyes flickered and met yours for the first time this whole encounter it all slipped away. you swallowed, sinking into yourself. He pulled out his phone without breaking eye contact with you. While you were trying your hardest to look at anything else in the café, but you were lost in his eyes.

"Are you gonna give me yours, and maybe a name to go with."

You took a breath, and was glad that the mask hid you biting your lip.

"Y/N Bokuto, but call me Y/N my siblings go by my last, and
My brother lives in the city"

His eyes visibly widened but returned in an instance. Handing You his phone.
You put your number in and looked up. He wasn't in front of you anymore. You looked around and saw him at the cash register handing his card. He walked back in front of me and confessed that he ordered the fix for your spilled drinks.

"We can talk until they're ready," he said
more like a question then a demand


You ended up talking for hours, even after the drinks were ready. He was easy to talk to. He was quiet but blunt. But what really made you happy was, when you brought up that you liked games, he didn't immediately quiz you on it. You could see the visible excitement on his face when you mentioned it. He asked if you played Mortal Kombat (or what ever game you want)
And you said yes. You both went on and on about the game play and how fun it was.

He asked what your gamertag, so you could play together sometime, and you gave him all the information he needed. You continued to talk for a while until you got a phone call from Shoyou. He was wondering where you were since you're usually at their practice by now.
You hung up.

"Sorry I completely lost track of time, I have to go"

"No worries, I mean I stopped watching the time too"

"It was nice talking to you. I hope we can do this again sometimes
Really, text me"

You said to him as you both walked out of the café.

"I definitely will," he said in a monotone voice.

Your face got hot, as you walked to your car. You set the drinks down in the passengers seat, and then silently freaked out in your car. To ice in their drinks were melted, so they were probably watered down. When Shouyo called he informed you that they were all heading to Rin, Osamu, and Atsumu's apartment.
You drove over with your giddiness settling down.
You knocked 4 times and let yourself in. the 4 knock rule was a great thing that we all came up with, so we know its not a random stranger walking in, and that they don't have to open the door.
You walked in and questions were immediately shot at rappid fire.

"Where were you"
"We were worried"
"What trouble did you get yourself into now"
"Did that lady give you crap for the number of drinks you got again"

You rolled your eyes and sat down between Shoyou, and Omi. You laid your head on Omi's lap, and put your legs in Shoyou's lap. Shoyou pulled your legs closer and cuddled them.

"Sooooo," Shoyou said.

"Shoyou, you're a fiend for gossip."

He gave me a smile like one of the cashier cat.

"Well?" Rin added.

"Well, I met someone...

KodzuSIN~ Kenma x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now