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You laid there with a satisfied smile on your face. Tired and hot.

"You were great, precious"


"Are you okay, was there anything you didn't like"

"It was amazing Kenma"

"Good, I take pride in pleasing you, or just putting a smile on your face"



You nodded. Being to tired to even think at the moment.

He laid down beside you, you rested your head on his chest as he wrapped you in his sheets.

You woke up in the arms of you boyfriend who knows how to use his cock a little too well.

He was still asleep sooooo.

You left soft pecks starting from the start of his V line up. It was when you got to his shoulder blades that you caught him, one eye open peaking at you, that quickly closed when you looked up.


You said as you jumped up and straddled him.

He chuckled, pulling you down for a full kiss on the lips.

"I wanted to see how long it would take for you to notice that I was"

"No, you just wanted kisses"

"That too"

You rolled your eyes, opting to hit him with a pillow. but by the time you had picked it up and wound back for a good hit, he had already taken another pillow and shielded his face with it.

"Ugh you know me to well"

You got off of him, the bed as well, and stayed quiet as you stood right next to him. Pillow in hand.

"Well duh, after weeks of being abus-"

Boom, face full of pillow.

"I never loose"

"You enjoy that don't you, you like
abusing me"

"Uhmm the ways my thighs look someone would say you abused me"

His mouth was left agape, as you raided his closet.

He new exactly what you two were doing this morning, and it was clearing up the mess that was made last night.

You wore one of his hoodies and his boxers. You didn't do your makeup or hair, because you really didn't care. You were just clearing up something that wasn't really anyone's business and it was annoying as fuck.

You walked out of the closet to see Kenma setting up the stream.

"So how are we gonna do this"

"Mmm...act like nothing happened and when they ask tell them. Blunt and honest. We didn't really do anything wrong so if they wanna know everything about us, tell them. Even if it's 'disturbing'"

KodzuSIN~ Kenma x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now