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"Ohhh it's a drive in, I've always
wanted to go to a dive in movie"

"Really, well I'm glad that I did
something right"

You laughed and looked in the back seat filled with bags of snacks.

"Okay well, what's a movie without popcorn. imma go up and buy some"

"No don't worry, I'll go."

"Uhmm, o.Kay"

"Okay, is there any certain kind
that you want"

"Uhm extra cheddar"

"Okay, I'll be right back"

You got out of the car and took a stroll up to the concession stand. You saw parents with their kids, couples, and groups of teens. It was a very calming atmosphere.

The weather was nice. It was warm but with a nice breeze. Honestly the universe said that it was gonna be perfect for you today.
Now only if it spelt like rain...or rained later...
Who knows. But we gotta count our blessings right. Right?

You stood in line behind these two girls. You over here them talking about some boy. Something about cheating and a pregnant girl, and cheating on him with the girl he cheated on her with. It was very interesting and you were fully invested until you heard this couple behind you.

You felt like they were whispering about you but the girls in front of you were too loud for you to hear the people behind you.

Finally it was your turn you got kenmas popcorn and (whatever the hell you want) and turned around.

You made eye contact with the guy behind you that was with his girlfriend. You smiled an awkward smile at him and he looked you up and down in total disgust.

"Excuse. Could you maybe not check out my boyfriend" the girl said clearly annoyed.


" not"

"Oh you clearly are. I get you want
attention but you're not getting it here"

What the fuck. You would've walked away by now, but they were literally blocking the way out, though you were debating bulldozing through them.

"First off, I don't want attention,
especially not from him"

"Oh as if. You're dressed like an absolute slut,and obviously you're just looking for another man, you like more then one don't you"

What the fuck. Where the hell is she getting this shit from. She's lucky you didn't slap her in the face right now.

And what the hell was that about 'you like more then one' is she saying you cheat. Huh.

And her boyfriend isn't even saying anything. Just sitting there letting his girlfriend cause a scene. You didn't want weird stares, but you were about to go off on to heffa.

"Okay BITCH, I'm literally here on a date with my goddamn boyfriend. Whatever that thing is that you have next to you, isn't even my type. And I don't even know why you're talking out of your fucking ass like you fucking know me but I suggest you cut the damn bullshit and shut the fuck up"

"Ugh, can you just go. No one wants to
look at your desperate ass"

"Obviously you do, sense you are literally BLOCKING THE DAMN EXIT"

KodzuSIN~ Kenma x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now