BONUS:a day at the Office

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Today you was the day that you were going into kenmas company. You bombarded him about it for at least a week before he gave in, and now you're having second thoughts. I mean it's not like you're the face for a rival company right? Right....

You're using the excuse of 'bringing your boyfriend lunch at work'. Honestly you didn't really care about his job, you just wanted to see the inside of the cool building. Like come on, it's shaped like a damn pyramid.

Walking into the office you dressed accordingly...which is, however the fuck you want. What are they gonna do. Kick out the CEO's girlfriend. Yeah you were taking advantage of that title, and what about it. You are the moment and you are the shit.

Stepping up to the receptionist desk, before you could get a word out she spoke.

"You can set the order right there, can I get a name for who it's for so they could come get it"

She said in a rushed tone, without looking at you. And typing way too fast to even be typing words.

"Uhmm this isn't a food order, I'm y-"

"Then what is it"

Still not looking at you.

"Well it is food bu-"

"Set it right there, name please"


"I am not a delivery person"

She finally looked up. Looking annoyed. She furrowed her brows and tilted her head.

"Then I can't help you. Go over there and explain your business. My apologies, we're super busy right now"

And she returned to her work. God damn.

You marched down to where she pointed and was greeted by another receptionist.

"Can I help you"
He said popping his head up from under us desk. It seems like he was retrieving papers.

"Uhmm yes I ha-"

"Food orders are taken care of over there"

"I am not a delivery person"

Damn do they not let people speak. He looked straight at my bag of food. Looked me straight up and down. And in the eye raising one of his brows.

"I'm bokuto y/n, looking fo-"

"You're not bokuto. And if you're here for him. Remind him that we are not sponsoring him like we are hinata."

"Uhmm no, I'm not bokuto, I am A bokuto...but not here for boku- kotaro"

Damn why's this so hard.

"Then what do you need, I don't
have all day"

'Well maybe if you let me speak and shut your damn mouth and stop interrupting me like you fucking know something'-thoughts

"I'm here for kozume kenma"

He raised his brow again and bit his lip as though trying not to laugh.

"Oh, you're one of them"


"Kenma doesn't take visitors, especially not floozy's"

KodzuSIN~ Kenma x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now