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You woke up slowly. Feeling warmer than usual. It was nice, to a certain extent, not too much where you'd over heat. And the you realized the tightness of your lower parts as you replayed the events of last night in your head.
You turned around, realizing that he had his arm around your waist. He was still asleep but still seemed to have the strongest grip on you.
Still remembering the way he handled you the night before you smiled to yourself.

"What are you smiling at"

He was awake. And GOD his voice is even raspier. Sisidixnaso


"Good morning, are you okay "

"Of course, why wouldn't I be"

"Just checking after last night"

"Well I'm great actually, thanks for asking"

"Cool, now go back to sleep"

"What time is it"

"Time to sleep"

He pulled your head into his chest and covered it with the blanket. When you tried to pull away he was holding your head there.


"If you go to sleep you breathe easy and won't take up so much air"



"I gotta pee"

"That door, right there"

"Ok, oh and do you know where my phone is"

"Probably still down stairs. I didn't do much after I cleaned you up"

"Okay cool, I'll be back"

But before you got out of the bed you paused.
First off, clothes. Second, could you even walk, let alone down stairs.

"Take a shirt from the top drawer,
they should be big enough to cover you"


You got up slowly, you took a breathe and started walking. One miss step and you were about to be best friends with the floor.

(Intentional Doja cat reference😏)

You looked back after putting on one of his black shirts.

"Looks great, but I like the way you looked before"

Your face again got hot

"Well deal with it"

He rolled his eyes and put a pillow over his head trying to sleep.

When you went to the bathroom you caught yourself in the mirror. You looked a mess. A sexy mess but a mess nonetheless.
Your eyes looked tired and so did your face. But you had this glow in your skin that said 'I just got fucked' and that turned all the other physical mess ups right into sex appeal.
After finishing up you made no effort to fix yourself up. Not just the fact that you looked good, but you didn't want to and didn't even have the energy to. You washed your hands and went downstairs to get your phone. Funny you didn't even feel like he was going up stairs when he carried you, but then again you weren't really focused on anything else.

KodzuSIN~ Kenma x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now