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It's been a month and 3 weeks since you've met Kenma. You two were really getting close and you've been on a few dates. Your favorite being in his house and learning how to make pie together. It got really messy In the end with him swiping left over batter on you, and you pouring flour on him.

It was great, it was fun, it was fast. Really fast. Like so fast that you don't even understand how you two could connect so quickly. You both started watching Hell's Kitchen together because you both found it interesting and funny. You have many pictures of him in your camera roll, and you have a go to cuddling position.

You find yourself thinking of him all the time. Smiling when he texts you, or seeing something that reminds you of him.
It was great. But fast and when things go too fast they are bound to crash, aren't they.

(Lol sorry, not foreshadowing I'm just dramatic. I'm blasting the sour album while reading this, don't mind it)

He hasn't asked you to date yet, and you hadn't told him you were a streamer. But you were pretty sure he knew nothing about it.


You look over to see Kenma dead asleep on the coach.

You two had bickered earlier about who cut Rapunzel's hair in the movie tangled. He was convinced that she cut her own hair, so you put on the movie to show him you were right. But now he's dead sleep and didn't even get to see he was wrong.

You sighed looking at him. You put on something different and started playing with his hair. After a few hours you heard the front door open and close. Knowing Kenma lived alone you tried to ignore it thinking you were paranoid, until you heard foot steps.

"Pfft Kozume. Kozume, I think someone's here."

You shook him a bit but all he did was pull you into his embrace. Now you heard the fridge open.

Imagine breaking in someone's house and raiding their fridge.


Now that woke Kozume up. He shot up straight and annoyed. He looked at you in your scared state and utterly became confused until realization set in.

"It's kuroo, he has a key"

"Oh my gosh"



"Dude don't be rude I just wan- oh"

He stopped in his tracks as he saw you. You gave an awkward wave and he stood there.

(Kinda like this 🧍)

"Well I was just dropping off your package and wanted to make sure you were here before I left..."

"Like wise"

"See ya"


You waited until you heard the door shut before you said anything.

"What's up with his hair"

Kenma just started laughing. You stuck your tongue out at him and jumped on him trying to drown out his laughter with a pillow.

You two watched some more movies and even tried baking pumpkin pie. Little tip, it is definitely not as easy as making apple pie you two learned that the hard way.

"That's your fault"

He said out of no where pointing at the pathetic excuse of a pie.

"As if, you were in charge of the dry ingredients"


"You forgot the cornstarch that's why it's so runny"

"...Your fault"

"Oh whatever"

"...You wanna try it"


"Why not"




"Kenma, call me Kenma"




"Why can't you call me Kenma"

"Why can't I call you Kozume"

He deadpanned and looked straight into your eyes. It was making you flustered but not obvious.

"Call me Kenma"

And here it is ladies and gentlemen

"Make me"

That's when you saw his eyes flash with pure lust. It was quick put it was there. He pushed you to the wall pinning you his knee in between your legs and his arms on either side of you.

"Make you," he repeated.

Your breathe was hitched, he moved so fast while still touching you ever so gently. And you so boldly dared to challenge him.

"...make me"

Just then. Before you could even finish your remark full of attitude his lips closed on yours. You got over the initial shock and kissed back, pulling him in to deepen it. You felt him pick you up and start walking. Still kissing him you didn't know where he was going until he laid you down on his bed.

The kiss was passionate, greedy and soppy,like he's been waiting a life time to do it. This was the first kiss you two shared and It was almost like your mind was completely blank and all you knew was him.
God, how did this happen so fast.
His knee was between your legs, rubbing against your lower region. Which seemed unintentional but every ounce of you knew it wasn't.
He broke away from the kiss cupping your face with his hand.

"Do you want to"

You nodded.

"I need to hear you darling"

"Yes, please"

"If you change your mind, tell me I'll stop. I promise"

A/N: like I said In the beginning I'm not too comfortable doing smut and I'll only write so far into it. I rather keep it the way it is. 😐

KodzuSIN~ Kenma x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now