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You were happy. Your relationship was amazing. Your career was thriving.

Your boyfriend was currently on a wack business trip for his company and you just got done with a photo shoot promoting a new game for walking dead Corp.your company. Remember. (Cuz I sure didn't)

You were heading to a meeting with your manger about..your image. That's all he said. And in all honesty you hated that hold man. You wished you could fire him buuut you have around 4 more months with him, or you could get fined.

While walking into the office you tried to talk yourself up.

Just deal with his sexist, misogynistic, rude, creepy ass one more time. Just four more months. Just four.

"Sup sota"

"Higurashi, please y/n remain respectful"

"I told you soho, I give respect
when I receive it"

"How feisty"

Uggh ew bleh dowksiz

"What ever, what did you want to talk about again?"

"Oh, your presence on the media. Okay. So, JIST gonna rip off the bandaid. You can't have your relationship publicized"

"excuse me"

"You being in a relationship publicly is not a good selling point for your image"

"How the fuck so"

"Well, first off. Boys are not going to be drawn to girl seemingly..." he looked you up and down and fixed his pant. "Off limits"

He is so disgusting.

"Well I'm not looking for boys who want me, I make content for people who like games"

"Are you sure...that you should even be labeled as a gamer in the media"

"We've had this conversation Luke, I don't care if you think gaming is for boys because that's what I do. I'm not changing my brand"

"And how the hell would I ' un-publicize' my relationship anyway."

"Well a fake breakup would do. Even though I rather you not date at all"

Of course he would

"You're a beautiful girl y/n, I'm sure you would like a big strong man who would support you. A business man. Not someone who sits alone in their room and games all day"

The way you wanted to jump across the desk, but decided against it. He'd probably enjoy your hands wrapped around his neck.

"You cant control if I date or not, or who"

"No, I can't. But I rather you make smarter decisions."

"How much do I have to pay if I fire you early again?"

"Excuse me"

"Just wondering, sense your words make me want to make you loose your job everytime you open your mouth"

"$500,000. Probably neither you, or you boyfriend could pay that"

"You know, recently I've made a lot more then usual. Getting deals and sponsorships from a lot more companies in the past few month because of my 'relationship ' with my boyfriend"

"Speaking of my boyfriend. He's actually on a business trip right now. You know, his BUSINESS. That hes the CEO of"


"Talk to me when you have something good to say. We'll see weather you get to keep your job for the neck four months or we can cut it down to four days. Goodby have a nice day soil"

You two didn't talk much anyway. Usually you just conversed with his assistant. But wasn't she trying to be a manager anyway. You might invest in that.




"Hi baby"

"Howd the photo shoot go"

"Nicely. I always look amazing"

"Aww well someones confident, did you have the meeting with your manager yet"

"Yea, that  dusty ass hat"

You filled him in on basically What the meeting was about.

That's basically how your relationship remained. You two, had fun with each other and loved each other. Nothing really got in the way of how you two treated each other, and the media didn't affect the flow of the relationship either. Your friends approved of the relationship too, seeing as how happy he made you. Your brother was happy that you found someone but still secretly worried.

Kenma made you feel safe. He made you happy.

You kept Kenma interested. You made him happy. And made him look forward to the next day he got to see you.

Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo the end I guess.

KodzuSIN~ Kenma x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now