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In all honesty, you didn't know why you got so comfortable with Kozume so fast, or how. It didn't cross your mind how dangerous it could've been, or how you didn't know this stranger, but as you feel asleep at roughly 9:30 in the morning you thought that you could trust him.

Kotaro has mentioned his old friend Kuroo before, a friend from high school who was also a volleyball captain that he still kept in touch with to this day. You had met Kuroo once, briefly, as your brother had dragged you to a captains meeting back in high school. Its also where you met Oikawa, so you didn't really focus on anyone else. Kotaro had mentioned something about Kuroo's other friend who was quieter and had dyed blonde hair.

You guessed that friend to be Kozume after he confessed to wondering if you were Kotaro's sister. I mean you could see the dyed blonde now, it grew out a bit but was still there. So the lines were drawn, he was a safe choice. Its not like your brother was friends with kidnappers or drug dealers, other than the fact that you already felt safe around him, you had your brothers trust in him to assure that other people knew him.

You woke up around 1 in the afternoon with a cooking headache. You picked up your phone to see that you were still on FaceTime with Kozume. He looked very focus on whatever was on his computer.

"You'll get a headache the way you've been staring at your screen for so long"

He looked startled upon hearing your voice, you laughed which resulted in him glaring at you.

"Well look who finally woke up"

"Well look who stayed. Dude you could've totally hung up I wouldn't have been upset
I didn't even mean to fall asleep. I'm sorry"

You were rambling off at the tongue out of embarrassment. You didn't even catch him smirk as he watched you through the screen in amusement.

"are you doing anything today, wanna meet up and get some ice cream or something"

You thought about what you had to do today. You could let the boys know that you wouldn't be getting their drinks today, I mean they could live without them. But you had a stream that you couldn't miss at 8. Meaning you'd have to be home by 7:45

"I'm free til 7:30"

"Cool do you wanna meet up, or do you want me to come pick you up?"

You completely blanked, all these damn choices. But if he picks you up, then he'd have to drive you home and that equals more time with him. But if he does, what if he's annoyed that I'm wasting his gas. Shit I'm taking to long to answer, just say something

"The latter"

You picked the second option, completely blanking on which one the second choice was anyway.

"Cool you can send me your address and I'll pick you up in an hour"

"Cool.... and just so I'm sure. This is a date, correct?"

You were nervous, and almost humiliated by the fact that the question came out of your mouth.
He smirked at the screen yet again and this time all you wanted to do was wipe it off of his face.

"If you want it to be"

"Well then its a date"

You smiled as his eyes widened and you hung up the phone. You sent him your address and then quickly got up to take a shower and get ready.

After exciting the shower you looked at your tweet from yesterday confirming that your stream was today at 8.

And yes, your old mic was broken

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And yes, your old mic was broken. One night you went to get food in the middle of the night reluctant to turn on the lights and you tripped on the cord. Tearing the mic down from its stand and knocking your plate of food out of your hands. The wires were also really messed up after that too. Meaning you couldn't stream for a week waiting for a new mic to come in.
You sent out a quick tweet to let your fans know that you will still be streaming tonight.

You sent out a quick tweet to let your fans know that you will still be streaming tonight

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You laughed as someone replied to the tweet almost immediately. It just proved how well your fans knew you. She was one of your mutuals. They were absolutely hilarious and never stepped over a respect line.

That fan of yours was a barb, of course they'd be amazing

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That fan of yours was a barb, of course they'd be amazing. They were straight up and respectFul until disrespected and it was honestly funny to see them get in fights with others on the inter web.You finished getting ready and laid around until Kozume texted you that he was here.

I'm outside

KodzuSIN~ Kenma x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now