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You two were driving back to Kenmas place. You had your hand rested on the window thinking about how well the relationship has been so far.

Honestly after oikawa you had this fear that you weren't easy to be around, or that you were hard to want. But Kenma seemed to be easy to get along with. He seemed to like parts about your personality that you were insecure about.

It was refreshing.

You felt Kenma squeeze your thigh after parking the car. You got out, and turned to get the bags you two put your trash in. He attempted to take them from you put you didn't let him.

You had to feel like you were doing something, anything but just being present.

No participation points.

After throwing that away, his hands wrapped around your hips like they belonged there. His nose stuffed behind your ear as he kissed down your neck.

"I-I think we should shower"


"We...were... all over the ground outside"

"Yea" he cooed.


"Mmh... come on"

He took you to the bathroom that wasn't in his room.

"I'll bring you some clothes...maybe"

You looked in the mirror. You had to
re-freshen up after being on the ground, surrounded by dirt and trees. You saw that he had left a damn hickey on your neck.

Honestly you didn't mind the hickeys because most of the time they were easy to cover up, plus you're inside all the time anyway and when you work well... they go wild over seeing the hickeys. Your brother doesn't though.

You had wrapped yourself in literally the softest fucking towel in the damn world. Where does he by these.

You entered his room wearing a pair of boxers and t shirt two sizes too big, both provided by your awesome boyfriend.

He's not getting this shirt back later...actually he might, it's coming off in like 30 minutes.

Kenma seemed to still be in the bathroom. So you decided to snoop around a bit. You saw his first YouTube plate. You found a picture of him and kuroo when they were smaller. You ended up picking up a picture of him in highschool.

 You ended up picking up a picture of him in highschool

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He looked disinterested. And like he was forced to stand there. Aww he was a blonde, his roots are grown out. Oh is that that model he bullied on Twitter and almost got canceled for.

You suddenly felt hands wrap around your waste. Once again, returning to where they're meant to be.

"Having fun"

"Just trying to find something to rob"

"Find anything good"

"Mmhm still looking"

"Really" he started to kiss your shoulder blades.

His hand slide up your torso and under the shirt. He helped you take it off. You leaned back on his chest and felt that he was shirtless.

His hands were cold as he gently grasped your hips. At this point you couldn't take it anymore. You turned around grabbing his neck  and kissing him aggressively. He lead you to his bed making sure you were laid down gently.

Climbing on top of you, he didn't even try to hide the placement of his knee between your thighs. And it was embarrassing how wet you already were.

"It should be a crime how desperate you make me for you"

Oh god. After getting spoiled all day, he's praising you.

"Honestly, you are pure beauty"

You whimper as he rubbed his knee against your groin. You found yourself mindlessly grinding against him.

"God, are you trying to kill me"

You giggled as you felt the tip of his boner poking you in the stomach.

Then. Kenmas phone rang.

He ignored it, kissing you and rubbing his hands down your side.

It rang again.

He didn't even look at it as he swiped it off the bed and hearing it land somewhere on the floor.

You chuckled at the way he just disregarded his phone.

"Mhm, what if it was important"

"I'm doing something important"

"Ohhh I'm important"


He was kissing down your torso now making you feel excited.

The phone rang again.

"Kozume, just pick it up. The
person obviously won't stop calling"

"And I have a good fucking idea of
who they are"

He picked up the phone, with a clearly annoyed 'what'

You didn't mind a quick phone call, as long as you got to cum at the end of the night.

"Wait what do you mean"

You might've been eves dropping.

"Are you serious"

"Right now"

"Are you sure"

Kenma was rushing to his computer and running his hand through his hair. Sure he looked hot, but you were worried.

"What's wrong"

"Yea yea give give me a minute"

He hung up the phone.

"Have you been on Twitter tonight, Instagram, tiktok?"

"No not tonight, I muted everything"

You walked up to him. On the computer you could see that you two were trending on Twitter. Your name, his name, the ship name. And it was happening right as you were standing there. Refreshing every second and the position in which the names were listed shifted.

You were almost scared to see what this was about. Scared what you were in trouble for. Oh no, you have to plan your first apology video.

Kenma seemed stressed.So you clicked on it.

Both of you shirtless, you covered in hickeys and his hair tossed, stared at multiple pictures of you and Kenma on your date. Including a video of you two full on making out in the car.

A/N: lol I hate people. It's hot here. Anyway loves I was all in the writing zone but the next chapters not done and my phones on 18% so y'all next chapter will come later today, probably tonight. But love y'all. I think this is a great place to leave y'all😘

KodzuSIN~ Kenma x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now