Bump into her

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A/n- Y/n- nova

Nova POV:
  It was a cloudy afternoon I knew it was gonna rain and I was excited. The rain makes me feel some kind of ease and I love it. I decided that I will walk to the coffee shop by my house and read there.

I get to the coffee shop and order and go sit by the widow. It was about 5pm and I knew that I would be here for a few hours because this is my favorite place to hang out. I was looking outside the window and the air was foggy and the sky was cloudy but you can still see the blue/grey sky underneath. I started reading my book (Cinderella is dead by kalynn baryon)

I have my head phones in and didn't realize how late it was until the barista that I always see here comes up to me and taps my shoulder I take out one headphone and she says "hey, I'm sorry but we are closing its 9"  I looked up at her with wide eyes and say " oh shit I'm sorry I didn't realize it was that late" . I get up and walk to the door and realize it raining but I don't mind.

I walk out and start heading home and I'm glad it's not far because it's foggy and hard to see. I'm about 5 minutes away and I bump into someone.

"Oh shit I'm sorry" I help her up and we both look at each other and both are laughing. In front of me is a gorgeous blonde haired women with beautiful emerald green eyes. "Wow she's so pretty" you thought or at least you think.

She looks down blushing "thank you" she says. You stand there mentally slapping yourself . " sorry I thought I said that in my head." You comment. "Would you want to come back to my house and get that cleaned up it looks pretty bad" you say. She looks down at her arm and gasps and realizing that there's a big cut on her forearm. " how do I know your not gonna try to kill me" she says with her eyebrows raised. "Well you don't but I guess you will have to trust me"

A/u - Ik this is short but the other chapters will be longer😮‍💨😁🧸

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