Other birthday bitch

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———1 month time skip——
Nova POV:
So today is August 30th and it's ivy's birthday. I honestly don't know what to do but I kinda have an idea. So one thing no one knows about me and ivy is that when we first moved to New York we needed money like bad. So we thought of quick jobs and the first job that came up were you guess it 'stripper' sooo of course we took the job. It was helping us pay for college and become lawyers. But as soon as we got our degrees we stopped because we didn't need to do it anymore. So I might just have an idea.

3rd person POV:
"IM GONNA NEED ALL THREE OF YOUR ASSES DOWNSTAIRS IN 2 MINUTES" you yell. "I MEAN IM GONNA NEED CHRIS AND IVY TO GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE AND BABY IM GONNA NEED YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE HERE TOO PLEASE" you correct yourself because you don't wanna sound rude to her. "Why the fuck does Scarlett get a nice call" ivy asks."because she's my girlfriend and I respect nice people" you say smirk. They all are down there.

"Well even though I already woke your ass up by saying this I just want to start off by saying HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY BESTIE" you say. "Bitch I'm only 29 your older than me" "yeah but you look 40 with your old ass but that's besides the point". "Fuck you" she huffs.
"Okay so Ik it's only 11 but bestie we going to get our nails done babe you can come too and I mean Chris if you want to get something done too be my guest. We are going somewhere tonight soooo everyone be ready by 8. I'm going to the store because my bitch ass need an energy drink. If anyone wants something tell me now or forever hold your peace . I'm already ready to go get my nails done sooo I'll be back and we leave in an hour." You tell them. Ivy and Chris leave.

"You want me to come baby" Scarlett asks. "You don't have to baby" you reply. "I'm ready and besides I don't want to hear what Chris is giving to ivy for her birthday." She says you fake gag. "Well on that note let's go love."you say intertwining your hands.

————an hour later———

You and Scarlett stayed in the car driving around until it was time to go pick them up. Chris said he will come because it's ivy's birthday. We pull up to the house. "Hey babe can you go get them for me" you ask her. "Yeah" you peck her lips as a thank you and she gets out of the passenger seat. You goes up to the house and unlocks the door. A second later you hear her scream. She comes running out and hops in the car. "They have to get a hotel tonight or we do i don't know but I can not look at them the same after that" Scarlett says traumatized.

"Their fucking on the kitchen counter again huh" you ask a little annoyed because that's not the first time. She nods. You take her hand and kiss it while chuckling. You honk the horn telling them to come out. They get in the back seat and before you pull away. "You guys really need to stop fucking in the kitchen" "well I caught you fucking Scarlett in the pool,movie room,game room, hot tub, guest bedrooms, downstairs bathroom, and bitch you did fuck her in the kitchen too so I wouldn't be talking" ivy says. "Okay true but you have to get your timing better so this sweet thing doesn't have to be traumatized by it" you say indicating towards Scarlett. They both nod.

You start driving Chris and ivy are talking about whatever. You squeeze Scarlett's hand and start talking. "Hey love so I don't think I'm gonna get my nails done. I'll probably go get something for ivy. And if Chris wants to come I'll ask him." "Okay love that's fine." She's says sweetly. You make it to the nail salon. "Okay guys I'm not getting mine done so Chris be my guest if you wanna join" "yeah I would like that thanks nova" he says. "Okay" you smile. You get out of the car and go on Scarlett's side. You open the door. She goes to get out but you gently push her down. She's sitting on the car seat facing you.

"Okay love text me as soon as you get out. Get what ever you want no matter what even if you want a massage and waxing get it. Be safe if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable text me and I'll come straight away. I love you so much. Here take this" you give her your card. "Pay for ivy's too and tell her she can get whatever too" you say. "Love I can pa-" you cut her off. "No love I'm paying. You deserve it all your hard work on this movie." You say. She agrees because she knows there's no point in arguing. She pull you in for a kiss. "Thank you baby" "your welcome love. There's an appointment for both of you under my name." She nods. You help her get out the car. They both go in. Chris hops up front with you.

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