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"Babe what would you do if we had a daughter and she caught us having sex" Scarlett asks out of no where. "Oh shit I've been waiting for you to ask a question like this" you say getting up squealing. You grab Scarlett's by the waist lifting her up and walking quickly downstairs.

"Babyyy why are you going so fast" Scarlett says laughing.  "Just wait here" you say putting her on the couch. "IVYYYYYY ITS TIMEEEE" you yell. "WHOS PREGNANT" ivy says running out. "No no not that's not it. Buttttt Scarlett asked me what would I do if our daughter walked in on us having sex" you say.

Ivy knows what's coming next so she gets excited. "Okay let me go get my props" she says running upstairs changing into a teenager. You get into position like your going to fuck Scarlett. "Mama have you seen mom" ivy says like she's your daughter calling for you. Then she walks in. You fake cover up Scarlett. "Oh hey kid" you say. "Where's mom I've been looking for her."

"Oh your mom um she just went out to go to set" you lie quickly. "Hey princess how about you go upstairs and wait for mama and we will watch a movie but how about you take my phone and order food sound good" you say with the most genuine smile. "Yeah thanks mama your the best" ivy says running upstairs.

You uncover Scarlett and she's smiling. "Why do you have that look on your face" you ask looking at her confused.  "Your good with kids huh?" She asks you. "No not really I get really nervous around them just because I don't wanna turn out like my parents" you say getting off her lap. "Baby you are nothing like them. Think of all the things you did to help people and you seem great with children" she says picking up her phone calling someone.

"Babe who are you calling?" You ask she puts her finger up telling you to hold on. "Hey hunter you back in Newyork?" She asks but you can't hear what he said. "Okay well I know you and your wife have been needing a break from the kids. ( yes I know he's single and has no kids but just go with it) so me and nova have been thinking about going back to New York for a little bit and I was wondering if we could watch the kids" she asks and you get a worried pit in your stomach."Great see you then" she says hanging up. She looks Over and sees your face.

"What's wrong" Scarlett asks. "I'm just nervous now what if they don't like me" you ask. "Well Chris and RDJ are the biggest kids I know and they both love you. Baby you have nothing to worry about" she says going to you pulling you into a sweet gentle kiss. You kinda feel better after that. You knew this might help you for when you and Scarlett had kids.

"I love you baby" you say looking at her. "I love you too" she says softly. You cuddle up together and watch a movie. "Wait you really want kids with me" Scarlett asks out of no where. "Of course I do. Your the love of my life Scarlett Ingrid Johansson and I mean that. I want mini Scarlett's and mini nova's running around screaming mommy and mama. Wanting our attention. I want to come home to my Wife and see my beautiful kids with her. So yes of course I want kids with you" you say looking down at her she smiles and leans up to peck your lips a couple times.

"I want kids with you too" she says smiling more.

A/n - hey guys I'm gonna try to write more. But thank you for 66k. Love you all🤎

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