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3rd person:
So today the cast is supposed to have a zoom call because it's easier then going onto set. But today nova has been a little more clingy then usual. Scarlett is currently on in your shared room and Chris is on the bottom floor so it doesn't make the whole thing sound like someone just dropped a microphone and it starts ringing.

You and ivy are in the game room playing games to help distract yourself. "We should go bug them." Nova says. "I mean I'm down" "okay".

You both leave and ivy goes to the far back room where chris is and you go upstairs. You walk slowly into the room and see Scarlett sitting at the desk listening to whoever is talking. "Psst" you say and she looks over at you. "I want cuddles" you whisper pouting . She puts herself on mute. "Not now love we should be done in an hour and a half." She says. "But I want cuddles an hour is soo long" "no it's not love" she says turning back to the screen.

You huff and go sit on the bed behind her and start reading a book. About 15 minutes later you feel even more clingy and you wanted Scarlett. So you took matters into your own hands. You got up of the bed and walked over to Scarlett you put her thing on mute and pulled out the chair she was sitting in. She looked confused.

You straddle her lap(in a known sexual way) and cuddle up to her chest. "Babe you couldn't last any longer" you shake your head no. "One of those days?" You nod and she pulls you closer to her and kisses your head. She focuses back to the meeting but rubs you back soothingly and kisses your head every couple of minutes. After a little bit the directors leave and the cast stays to talk for a little.

"Aww little miss nova couldn't go a little but with out her Scarlett" rdj says.
"Shut it stank" you comment. "Hey! I only play him in a movie" "so you still act like him" you give him attitude back and cuddle back into Scarlett. Everyone laughs and you kiss Scarlett's neck. She smiles and kisses you head. "Babe why when I tried to cuddle you like that you basically pushed me off." You hear ivy say and everyone starts laughing.

Scarlett puts herself on mute real quick. "Hey love did you take your meds?" You nod. She kisses your head. " I love you" she says. "I love you too" you say back.  You end up falling asleep. When you wake up you laying on the bed cuddles up to Scarlett and you smile. "Well hello love" she whispers. "Hi" you say in a raspy voice.

"You wanna go to the movie room and watch movies with Ivy and Chris they asked a little but ago but you were still sleeping. "Yeah we can" you say stretching. You get up and change into something more comfortable and go with Scarlett downstairs to the movie room. You get there and see Ivy and Chris cuddled up talking.

"Ahh look who's finally awake" ivy comments and you laugh. "Shut up I was tired" you say sitting down and pulling Scarlett on you lap.

You guys watch a couple movies and eat dinner then watch some more movies. The night was full of laughter and fun. You all end up going to bed around 1 am. You get to the your shared room and take off you shorts and shirt. And flip on the bed in your underwear and bra. " aren't you gonna be cold" Scarlett asks. "No when you have a girlfriend who sleeps with 50 blankets you kinda gotta try but to be hot" she laughs. You cuddle up together.

"Good night baby I love you"

"Good night I love you too" and with that you both let sleep consume you.

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