Airport craziness

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Nova POV:
So today is the day me and Scarlett leave for Montana. I texted my mom a couple days ago telling her that we would be coming. For some reason she still wants to believe that Scarlett is not my girlfriend and is just my friend but she's gonna have to learn. It is 8am we have to leave at 10am and go to the airport our flight is 1pm so we can take out time to walk through the airport instead of rush.

I am currently in the kitchen checking off my list to make sure I have everything. Scarlett came her about and hour ago with all her bags. Scarlett comes up behind me and rests her head on my shoulder. "Hey baby you okay" she asks me with worry in her voice. "Yeah I'm fine just stressed a little." I say turning around putting my forehead against hers. I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps hers around my neck. "When we go there I have to stop by ivy's parents house because they used to help me a lot" I tell Scarlett. "Okay babe" she said hugging me. "I love you" I whisper "I love you too" she says looking at me then pulling me into a sweet kiss. "I need to call ivy then get the stuff in the car and we can leave okay because I know you want coffee" I say pecking her nose. "Okay" she squeals excited for coffee.

                        Calling Ivy⛓😈🙄.............
I: hey bestie what's up
N: hey just wanted to call you before I left
I: oh that's today already
N: yeah but I'll be home in a week
I: okay that's not that bad
N: yeah but have you talked to your parents at all since your birthday
I: yeah they miss you. Sometimes I think more than they miss me.
N: well I'm gonna text your mom when I'm there and see if I can stop by.
I: she would love that
N: okay bestie I will FaceTime you when I'm with your parents and call you if anything goes down with my parents.
I: okay bestie love you
N: love you too

I get off the call with Ivy and I notice Scarlett looks nervous. "Hey babe you okay" I ask her. "Yeah I'm just nervous for I don't know what reason" "baby it's okay I'll be right there and I won't be afraid to hit one of my parents if they say something about you. I love you and I want you to know that. You are beautiful and you are a queen." I say to her coverings her face in kisses. She giggles "thank you babe you always know what to say" she says pulling me into a kiss.

I go and put everything in the car. We get in the car and I make sure that we have everything. Once we know we do I connect my Bluetooth to my car and start playing music. Me and Scarlett are bumping out to music and we pull up to a coffee shop. It's pretty busy. "Babe I'm gonna go in for us since I know paparazzi and everything so what do you want" "a Carmel cappuccino" "okay babe I'll be right back" I peck her on the lips. I go inside and stand in line. That's when a girl comes up to me "hey I think your really cute can I have your number" "No thank you I have a girlfriend" "well it doesn't look like she's here" "yeah that's because I'm being nice and getting her coffee" she scoffs and walks away. I hurry up and get my coffees and walk out just as I'm about to open the door the same girl comes up to me. "Hey so I know I was being rude but just let me get your number your girlfriend doesn't have to know" then I notice the widow is cracked open which means Scarlett can hear and before she gets a chance to say anything I say "like I said before no thank you I have a girlfriend. And if you can accept that then good luck in life trying to go around and steal peoples girls" she rolls her eyes and scoffs loud "bye bye now" I say and with that she walks away.

I get in the car and all of a sudden I'm pulled into a deep passionate kiss. We pull back and she stares at me with loving eyes. "No one has ever said that they usually just give it to them because they feel bad" she says. I look at her in shock "Babe I'm not going anywhere and that means no one else can have me besides you." I say giving her another kiss. I start the car and start going to the airport. I notice Scarlett sighing a lot and that usually means she wants attention. I notice that she's looking at my free hand and I internally slap myself because I forgot to do what she loves the most. I reach over the console and take her hand and intertwine our fingers and rub my thumb over her knuckle.

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