16: Please, Don't Go

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Bjorn was leaving again but I didn't want him to go not after the last time I was pregnant, he was gone and I lost our baby it was a daughter. Sure we have children already Erik, Guthrum, Siggy and Refil but I was with child again and I didn't want to be alone just in case I was to lose another child, I needed him there with me because I couldn't do it again especially alone.

"I'm leaving and there's no way that you'll be able to stop me Torvi." Bjorn told me while joining me on the deck watching our eldest children being Erik, Guthrum and Siggy playing around with their toy swords, axes and shields.

"Why can't you just stay this one time for me I've never asked you to do it before, just stay." I said while looking over at him but he just shook his head before looking back at our three eldest children who where messing around with his brothers who are closely aged to our children.

"Because I have to raid to get more things for our children and you." He said while looking at me as he said each word.

"I don't need things Bjorn I need you." I told him and he just nodded saying,

"And I need you too but we also need food and clothes and so much more." He told me before walking over to me and putting his head on mine while looking at me but I wasn't having it I needed him here and that's what will be happening.

"But in the end of it all I don't care because I need you here." I told him and he just looked at me before saying,

"Why, why is so important that I have to stay here." Bjorn asked me while moving his arm so that it's over my shoulders.

"Please, don't go..." I asked letting my voice break and everything was lose just like that the tears where falling from my eyes and I couldn't stop it no matter how hard I tried.

"Hey hey hey, look at me I'll stay if you tell me why?" He said while wrapping me in his arms and letting me cry into his shirt.

"I'm with child again and I'm afraid that I'm going to lose it again and I don't think I can do it all alone again." I whispered into his shoulder as the tears slowed not coming to a stop just yet but I knew they would sooner then later.

"Okay I'll stay this summer and I'll help you through it all, okay." He asked me while rubbing my back and keeping me close then once I nodded he shifted me so I was in front of him and his arms where wrapped around me hands resting on our child, he was already keeping them safe.

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