138: Bjorn And Asa-Part I

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Bjorn's Point Of View
The day that Torvi told me that she was with child again made me the happiest man in all of Norway because I've already got three children one of which is a daughter but she would always go to her mother for everything and so would Guthrum and Hali's still a child so his usually with his mother, I don't mind that much but part of me wants a child who wants me over everyone else. Even if I'm King my family will always come first, everyone tells me that I should put the people first but I put my children, wife, mother, people then my brothers because out of all of them my children are a part of myself because they have my blood. I wouldn't of made it this far in life without my wife Torvi and without my mother I wouldn't be here in the first place then I put my people over my brothers because Ubbe's in love with my wife, Hvitserk try's to kill my son Guthrum, Sigurd's dead and Ivar's been trying to kill my mother for over a decade now but every time he faults to do so.

I remember the day that Asa was born and I remember her becoming my whole world, she was so small and fragile like even the wind would hurt her and I knew that I couldn't let anything hurt her because it would hurt me. I remember that Torvi was screaming at me that 'where never having sex again after this Bjorn you hear me Ironside.' But seeing Asa for the first time I knew that I could live with that because she became one of the most important people in my life, because she was my sweet, little princess Asa my youngest daughter. The first time that I held her was like some part of me that was missing was finally found but I've felt like that with every time one of my children where born but the seer told me

"That the child your wife is carrying is blessed by the Gods, Bjorn Ironside." So I knew that the second that Asa was born that things would change hopefully for the better and they did, if you ask me.

There's been many people  coming in and out of Kattegat of late and Guthrum's been sitting on the docks more and more while Siggy's been riding her horse for hours at a time and Hali's just crawling around looking for new things and then trying to eat them while Torvi try's to stop him from eating what every his picked up from the fall of the great hall. But Asa, Asa always follows where ever I go and to be honest I love it, I've never been one to love the attention but if it's from my daughter then that's a different story, I love the attention from my children.

"Bjorn what are you doing with Asa it's time for her nap or she'll be up all night and that means that your going to have to look after her." Torvi told me while walking in to the great hall only to see that Asa is asleep in my arms and I didn't have the heart to go and put her in bed.

"She's already asleep Torvi and I like having her near me because then I know that she's safe and you and I both know that you've already looking after Hali while dealing with Guthrum and Siggy having there off again on again sibling relationship." I watched as she nodded her head and walked up to the chair next to me and sat down before resting her head on my shoulder saying,

"We did good didn't we? Guthrum is just like you he put everyone else first but Siggy has your free spirit and Hali looks just like you did at his age according to Lagertha but Asa looks like the two of us put together is what Lagertha is always telling me and she said that we make cute babies." I knew that Torvi was scared that we would fuck up their life's but I've always had a feeling that we would be fine because I've seen the way that Torvi looks after everyone else so I knew that she would be a great mother.

"We did as good as we could and if you ask me I think we did great." I felt her lips turn into a smile on my neck and I knew that I had said the right thing even though it is what I believe but it was also something that she needed to hear in this moment.

"I love you Bjorn." She said and that made me smile so I lended over and kissed her before saying,

"I love you too." And then Asa woke up so I passed her to Torvi knowing that she would be hungry after her nap because she always is.

A few years later...

"Daddy wake up, Daddy get up, Daddy!" Asa yelled into my ear while taking the sheets off of the bed and all Torvi did was turn in my chest and try to fall back asleep but that didn't last long because soon Asa was jumping on the bed with Hali and Ragnar following behind her. I heard laughing from the door looking up it was Siggy, Guthrum and my mother I just sighed and kissed Torvi which made all of my children say

"eww father that yuck." I heard Torvi laugh before saying,

"Come on where going to have to get out of bed sometime today it may as well be now." I just nodded my head trying to remember why I loved these people again. I felt as one of my children moved so they where under my arm, opening one eye I saw Asa laying there and then she said,

"Daddy get up I want to go see the flowers." And I couldn't help it I got out of bed and went to get dress to go horse riding with Asa and probably the rest of my children and maybe my mother and wife but that's up to them.

"All right then let's go." And then we where off all of us including my wife and mother into the hills behind Kattegat to spend a day together like a normal family not the royal family of Kattegat. Sitting on the hill I watch my wife and children play and my mother talking to Siggy about something but Asa well she was curled into my side sleeping as the sun set, I knew that I've got a child who favours me now over there mother and it may only be one but at least I've got one. But looking over the field I saw Hali, Ragnar and Guthrum in the field pulling up the grass and throwing it at each other, while Torvi, Siggy and my mother were sitting to the side laughing about something and Asa was sleeping, just like she did when she was only a baby.

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