39: Watch Your Fucking Mouth!

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Princess Torvi Of The Danes' Point Of View
Marrying into the Lothbrok family is a crazy experience. No amount of words can describe the love hate relationship that comes along with marrying into this family. The brothers fight non-stop and their mothers are also at it full time. It is like no one within this family actually like each other, my family is nothing like this. In my family the only people who don't really get along is my mother and father but they got a divorce which fixed that. This family all hate each other and there is no way of telling who they hate and when they hate them. Hopefully as my time grows with being in this family so will my ability to tell what is actually happening between the Lothbrok family members.

One year later...

I've officially been married into the Lothbrok family for a year now. And it is safe to say that I have gotten no better at navigating who within this family hate each other and who love each other. Though deep down I feel as though there is love for each of them deep...deep down. My husband Bjorn and his little sister Gyda are always seem to end up on the same side of the arguments I am not sure if it is because they have always known each other and are loyal to each other or if they just think in the same manner. I am not sure but it is always something crazy that the siblings and mothers are fighting over.

Being the wife of Bjorn Ironside you have to have Lagertha Lothbrok's stamp of approval and I have slowly been working towards obtaining it. I think I am doing alright at it but with Lagertha you can never be sure. Though I do see a part of myself in Aslaug which is something I will never say aloud to anyone since I am trying to get my mother-in-law to like me not hate me. Aslaug and myself have a lot in common in the sense that both of us are from a royal family which isn't the Lothbrok's. Though I keep all of that to myself never letting it come out. Since the last thing Bjorn or myself would want is to be the centre of attention in the love hate relationship that is the Lothbrok family.

One year later...

I'm officially carrying the next generation of the Lothbrok family. Bjorn and I found out that I was with child last week since I have not bleed this moon cycle. His family is still as messing as before though I seemed to have found my people throughout the mess. I get along quiet well with his little sister Gyda, mother Lagertha and the youngest brother of Bjorn, Ivar. Ivar is misunderstood and throughout all of the hurt, pain and suffering that he is going through from being a cripple is more then inspiring. I see the goodness that Ivar tries to hide deep down due to the pain being fulltime and the amount of fighting that happens within his family. Especially the fights that are about or over him. Because one thing I have come to realise is that the main fighting is between Lagertha and Aslaug and Sigurd and Ivar. Sigurd is always taking things to far. Even Ragnar agrees with me on that matter since he and Bjorn speak about it quite a lot when Ragnar is hiding out in our home.

Bjorn and I made the choice not to tell anyone I was with child until we knew for sure since we have had times before were we thought I was with child but it either turned out I wasn't or I had lost the baby before it became full term.

Right now it was a festive dinner in the Great Hall, I was seated to Bjorn's left side as usual and then on my other side was Ivar. Ivar and I tend to stick together during theses events since he doesn't do to well with pity and Bjorn doesn't know how to handle his jealousy in a positive way. Thus making Ivar and myself best friends during any and all social gatherings. No matter if Bjorn was looking or speaking to anyone else he makes sure to keep me close, whether it be his arm slung over the back of my chair, or him pulling my chair even closer to his, sometimes he pulls me into his chair and other times like right now it is something as simple as him having his hand on my leg. Right now everything feels perfect, I'm carrying our child, no one is fighting and my marriage is thriving. Until Sigurd opened his mouth and wreaked it all.

"Torvi is it true that you only married my brother so you would never have to do anything but sit here and become a Queen." Sigurd said looking me dead in the eyes. Before I could even open my mouth to respond, Ivar did.

"Watch your fucking mouth! Dipshit that is our brothers wife not just some whore on the street get it together. Fucking hell." And just like that all hell broke lose within the Lothbrok family again.

"Sigurd go home." I heard someone say. Though the only thing I was focusing on was Bjorn's hand which was still on my leg, only tensing and loosening.

"Sigurd that is enough, I think you should leave for the night. Before your brother opens his mouth on this matter since we all know that it won't be pretty nor will it end well." My father-in-law said, him publicly siding with Bjorn and myself over Sigurd and anyone who was thinking the same thoughts which made me more at ease within this family. This family filled with hate and love, right now the love is proving purer and more important.

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