38: Cut The Act

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Everyone knows, even the children who play on the streets know. They know that Bjorn Ironside is not the loyal husband in which he hopes the world believes he is, sure he once was but once was a very long time ago. He is not a loyal husband and yet he expects his wife to loyal and faithful to him and only him.

Torvi married Bjorn before he turned into this version of himself. He is always in a sour mood, making it hard for the couple to communicate. And when he is in a good mood it is never long lasting. The first few years of Bjorn and Torvi's marriage was amazing, they were never more in love, they were never more happy. But now the happy moments are few and in between, they never last long and their children have been picking sides.

It was actually Bjorn's sister which snapped first. She had an outburst during a family dinner when Torvi was the one tending to everyone, and tending to their children and making sure that the guest were taken care of and enjoying their meals. Everything always fell onto Torvi's shoulders making sure that everyone was happy and everything was perfect. Gyda was done.

"Bjorn pull your head out of your ass and start treating your wife like she's your wife and not a bloody slave. Cut the act. You either need to get over yourself and let Torvi go on her own, or pull your head in and start treating her like she is your wife and not a salve. You need to fix how your life is going because at this point in time I am siding with Torvi if it all goes to shit tomorrow and she leaves. You hear me, your own sister is siding with your wife. Cut the act you fucking idiot." Gyda was unimpressed with her older brother and the choices that he had made which lead to this moment.

"Gyda fuck off. Stay the fuck out of my marriage and focus on your own. Since I'm the one who's been married for years verses months and I'm the one with multiple children. I am the one you should be looking up to so shut up and mind your own business on the matter. Because quite frankly none of this is any of your business. Fucking hell." And just like that everyone had unofficially picked their sides. It was either Gyda and Toke or Bjorn and Torvi.

"Fine but don't come crying to me when Torvi figures out that she can leave you and do so much better and find someone who will and can look after her. When she find someone who treats her like a real person instead of just a prop." And then Gyda was up and out of there, with her husband Toke following quietly.

Bjorn looked up from his meal to his wife and just watched. Torvi was moving around the room acting like none of that just happened. She was always good at keeping her cool. She had a baby on her hip and another within her belly, she was cutting up our son's food making it into bite size pieces just to make his life that little bit easier. She was making all of their lives easier. And until now he had never really realised it. She does so much more shit then he was ever aware of. But at the end of the day he is who he is and there is no point in trying to become someone else. He was just going to keep it more under wraps.

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