Chapter Fifteen

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I had been trying my best to savour my good mood and not let anything dampen it.

So, when I discovered that I didn't have any form of transport to get back to my hotel room. I forced a grin on my face, deciding that I needed a bit of time outside, having been underground for almost a week.

But then the rain came, crashing down onto the pavement, trickling down the back of my neck. My smile began to waver.

And then I got lost. I was too busy trying to cover my hair with my light jacket to focus on where I was going. I had usually used a Sat-Nav or Google Maps to help me to navigate the streets of New York. But even the thought of taking out my phone in this weather frightened me. The last thing I needed was a broken phone. So with my smile slowly slipping, I sat down in a doorway of a shop, waiting for the rain to stop.


A pair of red converses appeared above my head, from the above the doorway of the shop, on the roof. I blinked. Twice. But they were still there.

Deciding that my eyes must be playing tricks on me, I continued to gaze out at the street. The rain was still pouring down heavily.

Then there was a couple of bumps as I noticed the converses slowly rise up back onto the roof. I shook my head, there must've been something off in that cereal.

There was a loud thump and a groan. I looked up and my eyes were greeted with the owner of the mysterious red converses.

A kid, about my age, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, a mess of brown hair on his head and a backpack on his shoulders.
"It's Aimee isn't it?" He asked
I took a step back, completely creeped out.
"And perhaps you would like to enlighten me with how you know my name? And what you were doing on that roof..." I said, my hands on my hips
Pushing a hand through his hair, he yawned, and said:
"You can find all the latest news on the SHIELD website... And the roof? Well... You can probably guess that..."

That sent my mind into overdrive. As this stranger had access to the SHIELD website himself, he must be a member. And the thing about roofs, I knew that that was a big clue.

I stood there for about a minute, my forehead creased into a frown of concentration, testing out my new memory.
And then it came to, it was obvious really.

"Peter!" I exclaimed.
He chuckled, "I must admit, I was getting a little worried there, I mean, a SHIELD agent who obviously doesn't know who the most important, famous and most loved superhero of New York is?!"
I grinned, "so... How's Gwen?"
His face dropped.
I thought back to the events that happened in the Amazing Spider-Man Two, and my mouth dropped.
"Oh my gosh, Peter. I'm so sorry. Honestly, I didn't mean- I just wasn't thinking... I-I'm so sorry... Oh my-"

To my complete and utter surprise, Peter laughed. He laughed. Confusion etched itself across my face.
"You know, it's pretty weird with you comic nerds know every little detail about my life. You find out about my life before I do! But this time," he chucked, "this time, you're wrong!"

I stood there trying to process this new information.
One: Spider-Man had called me a nerd.
Two: The Amazing Spider-Man Two was incorrect?!

"Wait a minute.." I said slowly, "are you telling me that Gwen's not.. Gwen's not..." I couldn't bring myself to say it. "That Gwen's okay?"
He nodded.
"So why did you look sad? When I mentioned her name?" I asked, more confused than ever.
"Because..." He said, fiddling with his t-shirt hem," because, she got accepted into Oxford... I think they mentioned a bit of that in the movie? And.. Yeah... Well, I don't really get to see her much anymore..."
He looked so sad, so lost, so broken.

Nevertheless, I grinned.
"What's the long face for Spidey?! I get she's far but at least she's not..." I paused, trying to find the right word, "unseeable"
He smiled, looked up at the sky and said, "well I guess I had better be going! Spidey is needed everywhere, and even with my powers that's not possible"

"Alright! Good luck!" I waved, "and Peter?" He looked around, "I am not a nerd!"

Author's Note!
GWEN'S ALIVE!!!! I decided a long time ago that Gwen would definitely not be dead in my story, so I couldn't wait to include her!
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I just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU as my story has now reached 500 reads!!!!! That was my original goal so I'm super happy! So thank you for reading and making me smile :)
Please remember to vote as it makes me happy! :D
- secretagentofshield xxx :)

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