Chapter Eleven

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I told Stark everything I remembered. Which wasn't much, considering my recent memory loss.

The part that interested him though was not what I remembered but the lack of it. My memory loss intrigued him as it was seemingly out of the blue, I didn't hit my head, I wasn't on any medication and this had never happened to me before. And my memory hadn't just gone, it had got clearly worse over the last couple of days.

I sighed. Something wasn't quite right here, and Stark knew it. But he gave me no clues as to what was wrong and what had happened. Part of me doubted that he knew himself. I shook my head and threw a couple more t shirts into my suitcase.

That's right, suitcase. And no, before you ask, I wasn't leaving for home yet... I doubt that I even remember my home address correctly. No, Stark had invited me, well more like ordered me, to come to the car park. I was going to stay for a couple of days in the space underneath the man hole. I don't really know what else to call it to be honest.

He had said that he wanted a friend to run a few tests and hopefully get my memory back to what it was. Key word is hopefully. I had every faith that Stark's friend would make absolutely no changes to my memory. That this would be a complete waste of my time. But seeing as: a) I had nothing better to do, b) my memory was becoming scarily worse and c) Stark would probably drag me in despite whatever I say, I had agreed.

It was odd. A couple of days ago I would've jumped at the chance to go into the space under the man hole, but now I was dreading it. Simply because at the end of my phone call to Stark he casually said: "oh, and we're going to have to erase your memories of the base afterwards." Those words had changed everything. I had had a bad experience with my memory and I did not feel comfortable with allowing somebody to tamper with it.

I sat down on my suitcase, trying to force it to close, pressing every last ounce of my body weight onto it, slowly pulling the zip along inch by inch. Stark had said that I'd only be staying for a couple of days and that I'd only need to pack a few essentials. Little did he know that he was talking to an over packer extraordinaire. And I had a reputation to live up to.

Author's Note:
Hi guys! I just wanted to again thank you all for reading my story! The picture, either at the start of the chapter if you're on the app, or the side if you're on the website, is a picture of Aimee! Aimee's the main character in case you've forgotten, I don't think I've actually mentioned her name yet... Thanks again!
- secretagentofshield xxx :)

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