Chapter Thirteen

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Yawning, I dragged myself into my bed, my eyelids feeling heavy. Over the last couple of days, I'd had approximately 20 minutes of sleep. And I'm being serious. If I wasn't being kept awake by Doctor Banner and his experiments; it was Tony and his music and a deafening volume; or it was Steve arguing with Tony; or Clint having a hyper attack, and believe me, he had sugar rushes often. Out of all of them, Natasha was the only normal one. No one would believe that these guys (and girl) are supposedly the superheroes of our planet. To be honest, I had trouble believing it myself.

When I arrived a couple of days ago, it was awkward at first, I had to go through a couple of those awkward introductions. I met Steve first, he's the guy from the video who was rubbish with technology, supposedly he's from the 1940s, but I'm not sure if Tony was just pulling my leg. I am extremely gullible. Also he's meant to be Captain America, but that doesn't mean anything to me, as my memories not come back fully yet.

Then there's Doctor Banner, he's the scientist who's doing tests on me, he's really good with science stuff. But supposedly (this is coming from Tony again so I don't know how truthful it is...) when he's angry, he turns into a giant green monster. This isn't very believable, but I don't really want to test it!

Then there's Natasha, she's the woman who got my purse back for me when I was pick pocketed when I first arrived here in America. She's also known as Black Widow, and is supposedly an assassin, normally I don't trust what Tony says but I can believe this!

Finally, there's Clint. He can be a bit crazy sometimes but he's also a fan of Taylor Swift! He is supposedly also an assassin, and Tony also told me that he can turn into a hawk and talk to birds. But again, that's coming from Tony.

And there's Thor! I've heard about him but I haven't met him yet... Supposedly he's not from around here...

My memory's been coming back slowly but surely, according to Banner it'll be back to normal within a week. Although that should make me happy, I just feel sad. Because that means that I'm going to have to leave soon.

Over the last couple of days, this place has become like home. The base is like the Tardis, so much bigger than you'd expect, and there are so many secrets. Everyone has made me feel at home and their always friendly, apart from Tony. But he's just Tony. And Natasha sometimes I guess. But anyway, I just don't want to leave!

But it seems inevitable. It's not like I could even become a SHIELD agent. I've got no skills whatsoever. I'm rubbish with computers, can't lie to save my life, the worst possible gymnast and athlete, unorganised and totally unprofessional. And I bet wearing a suit all day is really uncomfortable. I guess I'm just going to have to make the most of it!

Author's Note:
How are you guys finding the story so far?
I wasn't that happy with this chapter (I think it was my bad luck because it's chapter 13) but I'm looking forward to the next one!! (I'm not going to spoil it)
Can anyone guess what the song was that Aimee quoted last chapter when meeting Stark? The first person to comment the name of the song and the artist (I've already given you some hints on that one) will get the next chapter dedicated to them!! And the first person to quote some of the lyrics will be followed by me!! :D
Please check out the book 'Just Keep Swimming' by girlygirl_x
This authors notes getting quite long now, so byeeee!!!
-secretagentofshield xxx :D

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