Chapter Sixteen

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"You're late." I was greeted with a stern voice.
"Didn't know there was a deadline," I replied huffily, my good mood was well and truly gone.
This was greeted by one raised eyebrow.
So I continued.
"If you want to blame someone... Blame Tony, Thor and Spider-Man."
If it was possible, the eyebrow raised even higher.

"Right," Fury replied, "Tony's always doing something wrong, and Peter's a kid, what do you expect?! And Thor.... What on earth has Thor done to you? You haven't even met him yet... Have you?" He sent me a questioning look.
"Well, I figured, since Thor's the god of lightening, the rain must be his fault!" I paused, thinking that over, "or at least, partly his fault..."

I turned round to see Nick Fury sighing with his head in his hands.
"What? It's a perfectly logical explanation!" I said indignantly.
"C'mon," he said wearily, "let's get you familiarised with all things S.H.I.E.L.D."


"So," Fury said, leaning back in his chair, "does anyone have any questions?"
I glanced around at the oval table, but no one seemed to be paying much attention. As this was my first S.H.I.E.L.D. meeting, I had been listening carefully but it seemed like I was the only one doing so.

Raising my hand cautiously, I spoke up: "I've got a couple of questions..."
Nick Fury glanced around the table and seeing no reaction, shrugged, "go ahead."
I stood up, trying to gain everyone's full attention.
"Firstly, this cannot be a proper S.H.I.E.L.D. meeting... I mean, just look! There's only a handful of us here, and I think I'm the only actual S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, seeing as you guys are all Avengers and you're dead," I said, signalling to everyone at the table.
"And," I continued, "how does this place even exist?! If the comics are written about you, then how old are you guys?!"
Tony opened his mouth to speak.
"I'm not done yet." I snapped.
"What about the battle of New York? With Loki? Back in 2012? And if you exist, what about other comic book characters? What about those DC characters?" I stopped for a moment as something dawned on me, "what about," I whispered, "what about the villains?"

I glanced at each person as my eyes made my way around the table. Clint was staring into space, his hands absent-mindedly tapping out a rhythm on the table. Natasha was yawning. Steve was trying and failing to look at his watch discreetly. Tony was fiddling with a random piece of machinery.

Fury cleared his throat and stood up to gain our full attention.
"Some quite good questions Aimee, I must admit, I underestimated you. However, I am sure you'll agree that my answers are even better."
He paused. "Let's begin with your first question. This is a proper S.H.I.E.L.D. meeting, there may not seem to be many of us, but ever since H.Y.D.R.A. over threw S.H.I.E.L.D., we've had less agents than ever before, many scattered across the world, and going into hiding. Now," he cracked a grin," you do realise that it's incredibly rude to ask someone their age Aimee?!"
I opened my mouth to protest, but he continued,
"Anyway, it's a worthy question, if you were a true Marvel fan, perhaps you would've known the answer. Are you familiar with the Infinity Formula?"
The name rang a bell somewhere inside my skull, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.

"Both myself, and Hawkeye, take the Infinity Formula regularly, helps to keep our youthful looks." He said, fiddling with his beard.
I raised an eyebrow at this comment, taking in the couple of silver hairs in his beard.

"With Stark, the old Iron Man wasn't him, it was his father. But the cool suits were his idea."
Tony grinned at this comment.

"How does this place even exist?" He repeated, "well I guess it just does. Our base has always been underground, one reason why it wasn't damaged in the Battle of New York."

"The Battle of New York," he muttered, "now that's an interesting subject."
"Do you remember Hurricane Sandy?" He asked me, I nodded, remembering how it had been plastered all over the news.

"And are you familiar with the Percy Jackson series? Or the Harry Potter series?" Once I overcame my shock of Fury mentioning my two favourite series, I nodded quickly.

"Well then, you'll be familiar with the way that they hid things from mortals, or muggles. With magic, or The Mist." I nodded, unsure where this was going.

"Norse magic, as it happens, has some similar qualities, Thor has the ability to, with Odin's permission, bend what humans see, within reason of course."

"Are you telling me that Hurricane Sandy didn't exist? That was Norse magic?!" I gasped in my excitement. Fury nodded calmly, as though the whole idea was normal to him.

"As it so happens, it was a similar kind of spell was placed around this area so that nobody would disturb us. Of course," he said, indicating to me, "there are some people with a stronger mental capacity, whom are able to get through these kind of mental barriers."

"I do not think that DC characters exist, although we have no proof," he continued, "DC may have simply imagined their super heroes rather than basing them on real ones... Or Batman is staying low key."

"Oh, and finally villains," he concluded, "they certainly exist. This is why Aimee, your life is in grave danger, and we need to begin your training immediately."

Author's Note!
Hello! I'm sorry for taking a little longer to update this chapter.
I couldn't help but mention the Percy Jackson and the Harry Potter series!
This chapter is dedicated to...
Thor_is_me !!!!
Go and read all her books! Hurry!!
Thank you for reading again!
And please don't forget to vote! Make me happy!!!
Love you all
- secretagentofshield xxx :)

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