Chapter Six

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It took me nearly the whole morning to find that car park again. It wasn't that it was far away or that it was hard to find. It was almost as though something was stopping me from finding it, it's quite hard to put my finger on it, but it felt as though I had to break through some kind of wall to get there. Not physically of course, mentally. It was like I has some kind of mental block, stopping me from getting in. Every time I got close something would happen; I'd forget something (my bag), my map on my phone would go haywire, or I'd something would cause me to decide to go another way.

I eventually made it to the car park, just as it had reached 3 o clock. I spotted my phone resting next to the man hole and went to pick it up. At a quick glance everything seemed the same as usual; my avengers phone cover was on; the screen was black (I assumed that it'd died) and my earphones were still plugged in. It was only when I got back to my hotel room that I noticed that not everything was quite normal.


I started noticing these subtle changes when I returned back home. I was sitting watching TV when I instinctively went to check the time on my phone, I pressed the on/off button, expecting the lock screen to come on. Remembering that my phone was dead, I put it back down. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something: the apple logo was glowing on the black screen. My phone was turning on.

I waited whilst my phone loaded, confused at why it still had charge... I mean if my I had left my phone on all night on record, surely it would be dead? If not, wouldn't it still be on record? And why would it have turned off?

Whilst I pondered on these questions I noticed something, the small chip in the top right hand corner of my phone screen had vanished. Gone. I shook my head, pinched myself and counted sixty seconds. Then I looked again. It still wasn't there. It was as though it had never been there at all.

As soon as my phone turned on I checked the time, pushed my earphones into my ears and started to watch last weeks episode of Agents of Shield, which I'd missed. The sound seemed different to normal, but I couldn't put my finger on what had changed. It was in the last 5 minutes of the show that it came to me. Both of my earphones worked. (During a school trip a couple of years ago, my best friend had accidentally sat on my left earphone, it broke and since then sound has never come out of it. So why was it working now?)

I decided that my mind must just be tired so I began to get ready for bed. Checking my phone one last time I noticed two more changes. My phone had 100% charge and the scratch covering Iron Man's face on my Avengers case had vanished. My mind began to slip into the fog of sleep and I gave in, deciding to focus on theses changes in the morning.

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