Chapter Eighteen

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A cold, sharp voice pierced the air, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end.

I had just finished a gruelling exercise routine with Natasha. After a 3 mile run, more press ups and pull ups and sit ups than I could count and some circuit training as a warm up and then combat training, self defence and training on how to shoot a gun, I was ready to collapse on the floor and never get up again.

Natasha and Clint took it in turns with training me as they were the only people with no super powers, so they understood the best training methods for us normal people. Everyday was a nightmare, to put it lightly. They were both harsh trainers, the only real difference was that Clint would screech Taylor Swift songs at the top of his lungs whilst making me do circuits. But they were both merciless when it came to training, and if anything, I think they enjoyed watching me suffer.

After a quick shower, all that I had plans for doing was collapsing on my bed and pretending that humanity didn't exist... Unless they offered me food.

The voice repeated, every syllable of my name was articulated clearly.

I was sitting on my bed, flicking through a comic that I had picked up at the local store, trying to find out more about the people that I was living with.

I sniffed the air once, then twice. But there was no scent of food that caught my attention, so I decided that whatever it was wasn't worth my time, and went back to reading my comic.

The voice said once again, but this time it was different, sharp yet steely, cold and cruel. Their tone suggested that they were impatient but their voice was not one that I recognised.

I began an inward battle with myself, part of me simply couldn't be bothered to use my precious energy to raise my head.

Part of me was curious as to who it was... Even if it was very likely that it was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that I hadn't met yet... Or Tony attempting accents.

And another part of me just wanted to curl up and go to sleep.

And they almost won.


Raising my head slightly to look at my unwelcome guest, I grumbled,
"What?" But it came in out as:

Then I did a double take.

Standing in my door way was a pale man with dark hair who looked as though he was dressed for a fancy dress party.

"Sorry," he smirked, every word pronounced in a clipped British accent, much posher than my own, "I didn't quite catch that."

"What's up with your clothes?" I grumbled, shielding my eyes from the colours, "they are much too bright for this time of day."

"I didn't come here so that you could insult my fashion sense, mortal. We need to talk."

Mortal. A word used to describe something that's liable to death. But when used as an insult.... Something in my brain clicked; they were immortal. Like a god. Like Thor.

Like Loki.

Loki stood dressed in his usual green attire, decorated with glowing gold. The paleness of his skin was made more prominent by his long, dark hair. His expression was cold and empty, with an air of arrogance.


He sneered, "Finally recognised me, I see."

I scoffed and opened my mouth to respond, but I was interrupted.

"There's no time for any idle chat. I am here to talk business," he glanced quickly over his shoulder, "and I can't stay long, I imagine the others would find my presence," he paused, "rather unsettling."

"And I can't possibly imagine why." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"You have no respect for me." His words were spat out as though they were poison.

"You say that, but I'm sure that even a psychopathic, cold hearted, selfish creature," I began, my voice light-hearted, despite the serious nature of my words, I looked at my nails as I spoke, casually fiddling with my cuticles, "like you, would be able to understand why I have no respect for the person that caused so much death and destruction and pain... For what? For a childish desire to rule, to have power over others. To be able to feel that despite their pathetic nature, that they were important." I glanced up, keeping my expression light-hearted and without a trace of malice.

His face contorted in anger. His usual, calm and deceivingly laid back expression distorted into a face with cheeks red in humiliation and anger; eyes sharp with shock and fury; jaw clenched, stopping himself from reacting.

I waited for all hell to break loose, keeping my eyes firmly planted on the floor, whilst I counted down in my head.






I paused. There was no explosions. And I was still breathing. A quick glance confirmed that I still had all my fingers and toes. Holding my breath, I raised my head slowly.

The red in his cheeks had faded to their normal pale colour; the pure rage in his eyes had softened; his jaw remained clenched but he swallowed as though he was trying to get over his wave of anger.

Taking a deep breath, he extended his hand towards me slowly.

"I think we started off on the wrong foot.... Shall we start this again?"

I didn't say anything.

"My name is Loki."

There was a pause.

"Are you not going to shake my hand? I thought that was a midguardian custom..." He shook his head in thought.

Slowly, cautiously, I extended my hand. His hand felt cold in my clammy palm.



"And that's the end." Loki sighed, running a hand through his hair.

He had just finished telling me his side of the story of the Battle of New York, back in 2012.

The awkward, almost strained, tones in his voice told me that he wasn't used to telling his story.

A hushed whisper, strained with emotion brought me back to the present.

"You can't trust them Aimee." His voice cracked, as though he was on the verge of tears.
"They'll betray you when you need them the most."

Confusion worked its way through my mind, shrouding everything in a blurry fog, showing nothing but lights and shadows.

An act of deliberate disloyalty.
Something that had hurt me one too many times.
Something I was willing to do anything to protect myself from again.

A hoarse whisper found its way out of my cracked lips.

Chuckling humourlessly, Loki looked me straight in the eye.
"The Avengers."

Author's note:

before you all kill me, can I just say
I know it took me so long to update, and to be honest I have no excuse, except that I'm lazy and the queen at procrastination.....

Anyways, thank you so much for reading and voting and not being too grumpy :)

This chapter is dedicated to Thor_is_me because otherwise she would probably throw a strop xD

I made this chapter a little longer than usual because it took me so long... Do you prefer this length? My chapters are normally quite short.... I would've made it longer but it had taken me too long already.


anyways this authors note had got too long and no doubt like half of you have just skipped it so bye.

- secretagentofshield xx

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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