Chapter Ten

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Taking a deep breath, I pressed the call button, knowing all too well that I'd probably have no answer.

My idea was that Steve and Stark would collect my phone again like last time. Then I could call my number from the hotel phone and hopefully I'd get the chance to talk to them.

The phone rang, once, twice, three times, four... I lost count. I was just about to hang up when the ringing stopped.

I cleared my throat, "Hello?". There was silence and then a male voice responded.
"Erm, yes? Who is this?"
I gulped, I hadn't planned this far, I hadn't even believed that anyone would pick up.
"The owner of the phone that you are holding" I answered, hoping that they couldn't hear my voice shaking.
There was silence. Then I could here voices whispering on the other end of the line.
"I told you not to answer the phone", another voice grumbled, "pass it here, I'll talk to them"
I could here muffled movements, I presumed that the phone was being passed to a different person.

"Hel-" I started
"-look I don't know who you are or what you're up to" the new voice interrupted, "but you need to stop. You can't keep on interrupting geniuses when they are at work."
I chuckled under my breath at this man's cockiness.
"Listen here girl, I'm going to hang up now and then we are going to place your phone back in the car park, you are going to pick it up and never return there again. Clear?"
"I guess..." I sighed, finally admitting defeat. "But wait! Just give me a minute to explain myself!"
There was a moment of silence at the other end of the line, I could almost hear Stark's brain working as he adding up the pros and cons.
"Alright then" he sighed, "I don't see why not, there's nothing better for me to do..."
"What happened to being a genius at work?" I smirked.
He grumbled, "You'd better have a good reason for wasting my time"
Just before I began to tell him my story I caught him muttering, "I'm not just a genius anyway, you missed out three others..."

Authors Note!
Hi guys! I just wanted to thank you all for reading my story because I really do appreciate it! I've decided that I'm going to start doing dedications for the chapters, I won't do it for every chapter, just when there is a reader who catches my eye, for example from voting regularly or making interesting comments!
So... This chapters dedication goes to.... *drumroll* girlygirl_x!!! This is because she has commented and voted for every chapter so far!
Once again, thanks for reading, and please remember to vote (I know what it's called now!), comment and share this story, as it really means a lot to me!
- secretagentofshield xxx :)

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