Episode 105 - Dark Speculation 'Secrets of Promissum'

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Episode 105 - Dark Speculation 'Secrets of Promissum'

Last chapter: A homeless-looking man tried to warn people about the forbidden room but was instead beaten in public. Everyone seems to know who this man is. Commander Kal quickly arrested the man and he was brought into the Royal Palace.



Day 3...

The moment Eugene woke up, she sighed yet again...

'Two days left' As if she was stuck in a wheel of deja vu cycle, her back wanted nothing but to stay plastered to her bed. It has been 3 days since she stepped foot into Zene yet it felt as if she has been living here for over 3 months. For the first time in a long time, everything felt heavy and chaotic.

Turning her face away from the light shining through thin sets of curtains, her eyes laid upon a peaceful face of a sleeping Euria. For the past 2 days, Euria went from a cheerful little child to a child nervous at everything. Sure, she was still smiling, but sometimes when an unexpected situation occurs, she was first to get anxious. Any negative deemed event will leave Euria feeling nervous and scared which was not exactly in her 'naive- I-don't-see-anything' character.

Eugene watched attentively as Euria's blanket slowly rose up and down. She watched her for a while before rolling out of bed to get ready for the day.


"I see. So, it's been found." Serious but quiet mutterings belonging to Louis could be heard through the door to the dining room.

Eugene paused for a moment before knocking on the big door. It was then that the discussions inside the dining room paused and permitted the person who knocked on the door to enter.

Eugene entered the silent dining room and carefully greeted, "Good morning." She mumbled, greeting Duke Rodriguez, Louis, and Ron before walking directly to an empty seat.

Her eyes shifted briefly to Duke Marleigh who went missing after yesterday's archery assessment before averting her eyes. Though it has only been half a day and one full night, to Eugene, it felt as if she was meeting Duke Marleigh after a long time.

"Good morning." She nodded her head to Duke Marleigh and climbed up her seat.

Duke Marleigh nodded, "Good morning."

Eugene glimpsed at Duke Rodriguez who looked at Duke Marleigh in warry and poured herself a cup of warm water.

'What is it? Why does everyone look so serious?' Just as Eugene was about to take her first sip of warm water, Duke Marleigh spoke.

"We found it." His voice was low and serious as he stared at Eugene.

'Found it?' Eugene's eyes met with Duke Marleigh's.

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