Episode 1 - The origin of another beginning 1

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One day in the Country of Xenperia at the Noble House of Veria



"Your grace! Just a little bit more! One more push!"

The Lady of the House of Veria was in labor, giving birth to her 'last' child. Her whole body was excruciating in intense pain and she was having difficulty breathing. She swears, this will be her last ever child! Giving birth was always so painful but this time was the worst.

"The lady is bleeding too much!" Her personal maid servant was feeling extremely terrified! She has never seen so much blood before! She had been there for all of The Duchess child births, but this time was especially terrifying. There was blood everywhere and there has been no sign of it stopping.

".... Inform the Duke to ..... expect the worst.."


The room got so quiet, they could hear multiple heartbeats beating.

Everyone in the room held their breaths and tried to make sense of what the Midwife just said. The look on everyone's face was horrifying and it seemed as if their lives were sucked out of their body.

"It's so painful!"

The moment their Master screamed out in pain was when their senses came back to them. Hurriedly one of the maid went out to relay the terrible news to the people outside.



"...Mother is?" Louis the eldest son muttered while clutching his younger brother's hand.

Ramon, who was 4, took a quick glance at his brother and father as he was not able to understand what the maid meant. But he felt that whatever was happening in the delivering room was not good.

"Waahhhh Waahhh"

The 9 month old Aernest cried out loudly and was having a fit. It seemed like the baby could sense what was going on and knew that his mother was going through a terrible time. His cries were so heartbreaking as if he felt something precious was going to be gone.

The Duke could feel his knees going weak and wanted to break down but he was the Head of this family and he must not do that. He was the very example of this house. He must not break down. He took a long glance at his wedding ring and their kids and came to a decision.

No matter what happens, his wife must live on even if that meant...

Waking up to the piercing screams of his youngest child who was not even a year old he signed. What was he thinking? The dark thought almost took over his mind.

"Wait for me to come back out and then you can come in with your siblings."

He ordered his eldest child and went into the room his wife was in. The first thing he noticed when he went in was the pungent smell of blood. The smell of blood added to the heavy atmosphere was excruciating. It was hell.

This wasn't his first time in the delivery room and what he did was unusual. He was a man, and a man would never do that. The new midwife was shocked but seeing their seniors ignoring, look the other way as well. His wife was at the door's death and also,The House of Veria couple was famous for their love for each other.

With fast steps, he went to his wife's side and was even more taken aback.The scene he came across was horrifying. There was so much blood. Pools of blood and bloodied towels everywhere. Bed sheets and the floor were soaked bright red.

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