Episode 79 - Duties 2 'The Forbidden Road' | Censored ep.

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Episode 79 - Duties 2 'The Forbidden Road' | Censored ep.

Warning, a part of this episode might be triggering or feel uncomfortable to read.

The following morning went the same as the day previous. Eugene got up early and went for a 5km run. After 10 pull-up reps, she got breakfast and began her daily schedule.

This time at 10 pm, the three siblings studied poetry and the lot. Reciting and memorizing poetry as a Noble lady is a must. One must be knowledgeable in this art to look sophisticated in public.

At 11 pm, they studied embroidery, which everyone knows, is Eugene's worst subject. Eugene's supposed 'flower' was more of a mosaic distorted worm. How this happened? No one knows. --Aernest on the other hand is an ace when it comes to these sophisticated delicate things.

At 12 pm, they studied eating etiquette again. This time, they learned how to properly eat soup. Towards this particular time of the day, Eugene couldn't count how many times she had rolled her eyes.

After their one hour break, they trained with archery at 2 pm. Eugene was able to redeem herself from embroidery with this subject. Eugene became the ace by hitting the bullseyes on her first shot. --This would create tons of uproar around the house for many days to come.

At 4 pm, the children studied the fundamentals of a human being, and that is to be able to read and write. Speaking was never a problem for the children as they grew up around people who spoke politely and formally, but reading and writing was a challenge. Eugene had no problem with this particular subject and was able to excuse herself out.

With this free time, Eugene wandered around the house for a little while before heading back to her bedroom. Here, Eugene took out her secret stash carefully hidden underneath her nightstand table. This secret stash was already wrapped in cloth so all she did was hide the secret stash underneath her dress and leave the mansion.

It was incredibly rare for Eugene to have time alone so she walked slowly, taking in the beautiful scenery of nature. She strolled by the beautiful garden, passing by Tulips and Crocuses, breathing in the flowery scent multiple times. Unlike her former life where she preferred to rest at home, she now looks forward to spending time strolling around looking for something new. --Which is not surprising seeing as she now lives in a mountain.

Eugene walked with one small bag in her hand, given to her by Aedelak who didn't want her to starve herself during her time out. Before leaving the mansion she was lightly cautioned by Aedelak to not wander too far and to avoid entering places and roads with warning signs. Everyone knew that Eugene is 'responsible' and more 'mature' than other children so they didn't worry much about Eugene and left her to walk alone.

Talking about 'responsible' and 'mature', Eugene's footstep paused.

'hehe.' Eugene unconsciously mimicked Euria's laugh; her laugh sounded incredibly evil.

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