Episode 115 - Cracked Dreams 'Euria's Disappearance'

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Episode 115 - Cracked Dreams 'Euria's Disappearance'

Last Chapter: Musician Hal gone from Eugene's and Euria's room. Eugene cheer Euria up from her bad mood. 20 unknown children massacred.

Day 4...

Birds sing for the happiness of the living.

Eugene could hear the subtle melody of birds harmonizing from inside her consciousness and began to stir awake. Yet, the softness of the mattress underneath her along with the softness of the quilt was tempting her to go back to bed. The room was quiet, rid of any sound, in turn, giving Eugene a sense of peace for the first time in 4 days. With that, Eugene dozed off and headed to a day-dream land.

As the sun reached its peak, the heat hitting the palace slightly became uncomfortable, eventually stirring Eugene awake. Her thoughts were as slow as a turtle as she stared at the ceiling before her.

'How long has it been since I've slept this well?' She couldn't help but wonder. It was then that she heard strings playing in the background. It was tempting her and inviting her back to dreamland again, but she knew that she shouldn't be sleeping any longer. People were already playing instruments, which meant it was already late in the day.

She got up at that point and went through her daily stretching routine. She felt as if she was missing something during her stretch but she chose to ignore the feeling because she woke up feeling refreshed today.

No matter what, she must keep the positivity going! Even if it's just today!

Knock. Knock.

Eugene instinctively turns her head towards the source of the noise. She rubbed her eyes for a second before answering the person standing behind the door. "You may enter."

Eugene walked to the end of her bed and climbed on it to sit.

The door opened, and Aedelak entered, carrying a water basin. Eugene needed the water to wash her face and complete her morning routine, so she waited for Aedelak to approach.

"Good morning, Eldest Miss," Aedelak greeted, "Did Young Miss get a good night's sleep?" she set the basin next to Eugene and held a soft cloth up.

"Hn," Eugene nodded and took the soft cloth from Aedelak's hands. She dipped the cloth in water and wiped her face gently.

Aedelak took a dry cloth and waited for Eugene wiping down her face before handing her the dry cloth.

"Did the heat cause Miss to wake up?"

Eugene wiped her face dry and picked her toothbrush up. "Hn."

The suspicion that she had missed something or that something was out of place grew stronger as she brushed her teeth. She turned to Aedelak after rinsing and wiping her mouth clean and told her what she thought but...

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