Episode 123 - The Heart of Promissum

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Episode 123 - The Heart of Promissum

Last chapter: Ario killed by Commander Kal. Commander Kal's 20 children died in a massacre at the greenhouse. He is suspicious of the Dukes. Confesses to Hypnotic induced lake trap.



Duke Marleigh and Duke Rodriguez's faces darkened tremendously as killing intent began to release out of their body, "Hypnotic lake." Their voice was very low as they repeated Commander Kal's word. It was so low, bringing goosebumps to all the children.

The more they thought about how they could have chosen not to leave the Palace, the more vexed they were. If something were to happen to the children, they would never, ever, forgive themselves.

Commander Kal raised a brow and sneered. If he thought about it, nothing had been going Zene's way ever since the Xeperian people arrived. It was not unsound to hold them suspicious. Hence, he decided to believe in his instincts to hold the Xenperian group accountable.

What he didn't realize was that his suspicions were only half right. He was spot on in holding the Xenperian party responsible for what had occurred. But what he was off about was pointing the crime to Duke Marleigh and Duke Rodriguez. The two were as clueless as they were innocent.

Duke Rodriguez looked fixedly at Commander Kal. His gaze stern, but still maintained his guilt-free demeanor.

"You pinpoint this crime on us but how do you suppose we harm your children, let alone kill? Are they not children protected by promissum?" He raised the issue of Promissum to Commander Kal. Promissum is an unbreakable promise and bond that binds the people of Liasel together. This is a fact that will never change for as long as Liasel still stands.

As soon as Commander Kal heard what Duke Rodriguez had to say, he laughed out loud. His laugh sounded as if he couldn't believe what he just heard," Protect?!"

"That's the funniest joke I've heard of all day!" he proclaimed with open arms.


'Joke?' Eugene's brows furrowed. She had a bad feeling. A bad feeling over Commander Kal's next words.

"Xenperia is amazingly powerful! Don't tell me your Royals never told you the secrets to removing promissum upon yourselves?"

Eugene's fears were realized. Cold sweat trills down her limbs as she searches Commander Kal's expression for any lies. However what concluded after the search was a cruel and cold reality. He was saying the truth.


Commander Kal smiled at Duke Rodriguez who refuted strongly. He understood by the Duke's reaction that he didn't know the key to promissum's back door. However, that meant nothing to him. He was firm in his belief. Because in his belief, no one but the Xenperian group was able to deduce that the lake was suspicious and that he had the ability to manipulate people.

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