Episode 114 - Fallen Lights 5 'Clear the rats'

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Episode 114 - Fallen Lights 5 'Clear the rats'

Previous Chapter: Eugene and Euria play out a play to save the Nameless Musician from the Crown Prince and his pursuer. Closed the door on everyone after they were done with business.



Eugene brought her hands to her mouth as she leaned against the closed door, "We almost got caught!" Her heart was beating fast!

At that moment, her gaze drew to the transparent door which revealed the outside world, and without hesitation, she dashed there. She opened the big door and stepped outside however, the man that was supposed to be hiding outside was not present.

'Ah?' Not a single human was present.

Eugene glanced around the beautifully decorated balcony. Unlike the inner chamber, which was adorned and filled with diamonds, the balcony was more florally decorated, with a variety of flowers arranged along the curve of the railing.

She scratched her head, perplexed, as she walked back to the room. Her sight led to Euria, who was standing still and gloomily staring down at the floor. Eugene couldn't help but frown, noticing that the twit's mood reverted to one she was unfamiliar with again.

Eugene stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

Eugene assumed Euria was nervous of being caught, which was why Euria was unusually quiet in the hallway. However, when Eugene focused on Euria facial expressions now, she seemed to be sad and distressed. Not a strand of nervousness was on her face.

'Sadness?' Eugene shook Euria slightly. As the two made eye contact, Eugene couldn't help but frown, "Are you sick?"

To Eugene, expressing sadness was the same as showing that you are sick. She learned this psychological behavior pattern a year ago when Aernest got sick. Euria being sad one moment and being happy another moment correlated to Aernest's cycle of becoming sick, which was why she asked.

Euria glanced down and shook her head, "No..." she whispered in a soft voice.

Eugene tilted her head and frowned, "Then, what's wrong now?" If you're not sick, why are you sad?

Euria remained silent.

Eugene pursed her lips and took a step back, trying to remember what may have caused Euria to become upset again. Euria was emitting negative energy, which was abnormal and out of character for her!

If she remembered correctly, everything was fine until they went out. However, the moment they ran to people, Euria tightened her hold on her hands. If she wasn't acting along with her, then it meant that Euria at that moment was shocked. But why? She wouldn't be shocked to see knights or palace maids so that only person that leaves is...

"The Crown Prince?" Eugene muttered as she looked straight into Euria's eyes.

Euria's eyes that stuck to the floor at that moment flew up and stared at Eugene. Her eyes widened as if saying 'How did you know?' confirmed Eugene's suspicion.

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