Episode145- Did you elope?

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Episode145- Did you elope?

Previous ep: Levis and Moniqua flashback. How they encountered people of different continents and also came to know/save Gie, Gres, and save Elderly Lin.



"Wait! Wait!" A voice shouted out from afar to stop Moniqua and Levis as they approached the capital city. The voice belonged to the man they had saved earlier on, the man with red hair.

'Why did he follow us?' Moniqua and Levis exchanged glances, a puzzled expression shown on their faces. But most importantly, they had no time to deal with the man.

Levis was the one who confronted the man who was running towards them, "Our apologies Sir, but we are in a hurry." They had to get the elderly woman to a physician as soon as possible and had no extra time to spare for the elderly man!

"No! No! Sir, please wait!" The man continued to shout whilst running after them. But Moniqua and Levis had no choice but to keep running since the most important thing was to get the Elderly woman the aid she required. Hence, they ignored the man running after them.

The red-haired man reached out multiple times as he ran. When he finally couldn't take it anymore he screamed, "WAITT!!! THAT'S... THAT'S MY WIFE!!"

'Huh?!' Moniqua glanced back as she continued to run. The revelation kind of shocked her, however even if the person Levis was holding was the man's wife, they still couldn't stop!

"Sir! Keep running! Keep running!"

The red-haired man was at a loss for words and couldn't react for a while, "...HUH?!" However, he still continued running.

Levis straightened his lips, 'Why does it appear that we are snatching the wife of an elderly man?' Though he wasn't able to see the look on the elderly man when Moniqua shouted for him to continue running, he could guess the emotions the man must be going through at this moment.

"... Moniqua." In the end, Levis couldn't stand this shit-show anymore and begged her.


The two of them... No, the three of them ran without carrying about their outer appearances. Levis ran whilst princess-style carrying the elderly woman and Moniqua ran whilst princess-style carrying the elderly man ran to the nearest hospital in the capital.

"....." (The elderly man)

After they handed the Elderly woman to the physician, they were finally able to sit face to face with the elderly man who appeared to look very drained.

It was at that time frame where they came to learn of the man's missing daughter Lise who had run away from home and disappeared for over 5 years. And during these five years, the husband, Gres, had always been away from home to search for his daughter.

Levis furrowed his eyebrows, "You left your wife?" This was the part in the story he could not relate to. Because to him, parting from Moniqua for even one day was terrible. He couldn't imagine not seeing Moniqua for 5 years. He doubts he could continue on living if that situation were to happen to him.

Gres exhaled deeply and replied in a sad voice, "That's right." He nodded and continued, "If it hadn't been for me, Lin would have gone looking for our daughter. We had the option of staying in the village and waiting for our daughter together, or one of us leaving to look for her. The first option was out of the question because it would imply abandoning our daughter. There were no other options besides the second choice, but there was no way I could have let my wife continue searching for our daughter on her own. The danger comes easily with our eyes." His head hung low and he sighed,

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